Marsupial Animals Map
Outside the southeast gates of Vera Cruz,
northeast from the gates.
Ecology, Biology Rank6
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- Colony Requirements
- Culture Level 35000
- Discovery
Opossum ★ (Small creature) Exp:190 Fame:95 Ducat:38000
This animal has a pouch in its stomach for raising its young. It looks like a mouse, and hangs in trees using its hairless tail. If it feels danger, it plays dead.

Where i can get this map?

try check your territory caribbean town
i got mine from trujilo

Don't forget to discover Varacruz first before reading.or u won't get map.
Can this map be re-spawned ? I am holding the "The isolated imperial city" and I am helping non-adventuring friends to spawn the map for them to do this quest and I seem to be able to spawn every other map except this one.
It sure can. Aside from having previously discovered Veracruz, three things are needed to spawn/respawn this map:
1. The town's culture level must be 35000, as shown above, before it can be gotten from the archives. You can check the current level at the City Official, IIRC. (Thankfully, you can use any nation's archives, not just your own, if need be.)
2. Your biology skill must match/exceed the rank shown (6, in this case). Skill boosters work, if need be.
3. Check the Marsupial under your discovery log and see what color the text is -- if it's blue, you haven't reported its discovery, and you cannot respawn this map until you report the discovery. If it's white, you're good to pull it again. (This fact holds true of all discovery maps.)
Pretty sure that's everything.
Is above the red flowers in the middle
Pull it without Biology skill from Caracas
Saw someone discovered tenochtitlan already but when i tried to get this map i couldn't get it from both Willemstad and Cayenne and have req to get it
^not to um, rain on anyone's parade, but no nations yet have enough cultural development at their colony (needs 35k) to access this yet on Maris.
Asked him apparently you can get it aftar charting southeast veracruz took him 4 times to get the map
The map can actualy drop from Land Charting again Southeast Veracrus (As mentioned by dark soul). Recharting the zone ask to do the same things, only diferance is the chart not over till you reported it to a scholar. This is when you'll get the map. I Went to Techno too this way.
Grand Cayman have over 36k development, should be able to get it from there also?
It is not the port development that is required, but the culture and none of the national colonies made it this far yet.
It was suppose to be done sooner, but... we all focused on grinding with those bonus buffs we received. :x
we're currently working on Cayenne and it will be soon to get this map spawn there (current is 30k+), but like Gazi said.. it was suppose to be done sooner if more people come to help, but can't blame them i guess lol
Ah yes got the map now after 3 recharting Southeast Veracrus.
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