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  • Record of an Expert Chair Maker
    A record of an expert chair
    maker who is trying to master
    the essence of chair making.

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  • Obtained Info
    Further Research Production
Record of an Expert Chair Maker
Gorgeousness in Festivals
5 (-220) 9
Let's change the platform.
Isn't it possible to create a gorgeous bonfire that brightens festivals?
Record of an Expert Chair Maker
Beauty in How It Burns
5 (-245) 9
The design of the platform and how the bonfire burns.
The harmony of these two will create a higher level of beauty.
Record of an Expert Chair Maker
Can a Bonfire be Artwork?
5 (-270) 10
Evaluations are not really needed.
But you want to know if your bonfire shakes people's emotions.
Record of an Expert Chair Maker
Self-pride as a Bonfire Maker
6 (-295) 10
As a bonfire maker,
you've been receiving more and more requests to make bonfires.
Let's make a bonfire that will live up to your reputation.
Record of an Expert Chair Maker
Amor Cupid
6 (-325) 11
You received a request to build a bonfire
to make the declaration of love more romantic.
You are not sure what has to be done,
but let's make a beautiful bonfire anyway.
Record of an Expert Chair Maker
Everything You Can Do Now
6 (-355) 11
Let's make a bonfire by combining all of the experience you have gained so far.
Not for anyone else, but for yourself.

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