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  • Obtained Info
    Maroona Fleet (Nassau) - NPC Drop
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NPC drop? where! who! etc etc!!

Maroona Fleet over the Nassau area (where the eczuma fleets appear)

Is rare and is a formation of 4 heavy galleons with red wine sails.

For make it appear, defeat regular fleets and that will appear.

I believe there are 2 types of that fleet.

The fleet that DOESNT drop the book (at least in my experience) is the one that gives Gold Bars when plundering (or seize cargo)

The fleet that DOES gives the book is the one that drops Seal of Condemnation.

If you need something else, ill be gladd to help

Price check please

i always sell them @100m

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I've spent an awful lot of time grinding the eczumas (as in, got 3-4 60+ battle levels almost solely out of them so far) and been keeping an eye for this 4 heavy galleon maroona fleet. Wouldn't stand a chance to get the book probably as I'm not plunder-optimised, but just curiousity. I've never seen it. The maroona fleets I see are either a mix of heavy and battle galleons (2-2 or 1-3) or 4 large galleons with what look to me like purple/deep blue sails. Is the heavy galleon-only variant really so extremely rare?

Oh and by the way while we're at it. Anything good that could be plundered out of the eczumas?

Its the maroona fleet with purple sails. don't need to care what ships are in it

Its a 4 heavy galleon fleet, as i said before, there are 2 kind of fleets with same appearance, one drops the book, the other doesnt, as for eczuma fleet, best are Pillage Orders as far i remember

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I plunder this book (and all rare items) in melee. No cannons, no deck battle - just long long melee.

I'm sure long long melee is by far the best way to do it, I'm just wondering if it's at all possible to get them from deck battle. Myself I am not at all a plunderer, but when I pass by a fleet that I know drops something somehow valuable and if I am battle-shaped, I like to try my luck. I got the spear book from the north sea merchants and the crest from the med mercenaries so far that way - both times shooting the little guys and beating the admiral in melee. So I was just wondering if it's at all worth DBing those purple-sail maroonas while I am down there shooting eczumas (I find DB the easiest way to beat them, because they can hit hard otherwise). Sorry for long post, lol.

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A bit belated, but: while doing a Deck Battle thesis outside of Seville (poor barcas), I twice plundered a single unit of Ex. Velvet from the unfortunate NPCs. If that counts as rare plunder for them (and I currently believe it does), then it may be possible to DB the Maroonas fleets and gain this book as well. Next time the Caribbean goes safe, I'll give it a try and see.

I'm currently still a bit new to the rare item plunder game. But I'm definitely finding some books are rarer than others, as in much harder to get even when you find the right fleet and have seize cargo on your aide with 100 lieutenant traits. I got a bunch of Fine Armour - Ornamenting from the Portuguese merchant fleets and a few Ultimate - spear training books from the Vikings. But the Sword training - secrets book from the Spanish Escort Fleet is proving to be a huge pain. Only one after quite a few hours. So it would make sense to me that some stuff is way more likely(or not) to drop be it in melee or deck. But the stuff that is hard to get sitting through round after round of melee seizing cargo repeatedly seems like it would be very unlikely to drop from deck battle.

I agree. I tested this during the Wannabe Viking event; an item I could plunder semi-regularly with Plunder skill, an Aide with Seize Cargo, and Oxford Rare Item Plunder skill, ended up being awarded to a friend I was fleeted with during one battle (out of nearly a whole month's worth of work). The friend had done no melee, had no Plunder skill, and it only happened that one time.

So, bottomline: Melee plundering for rare items is (unsurprisingly) superior to trying to get the items to drop through Deck, or amulets of the sun, or whatever else you can think of.

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