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    • Sour bean soup
    • Sinigang
      • Deep fried soybeans
      • To Hpu Gyaw
        • Sour appetizer recipe
        • Som Tam
          • Spicy and sour soup
          • Tom Yum Goong

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            Maria must speak Thai. Yes, nam pla is 'fish sauce'. It's horrible though and smells like feces...

            Nam Pla means fish sauce , and Nuoc Cham from Gia Dinh is also a sauce extracted from fishes, that means it's also fish sauce

            Genius !

            Maria must be Australian. Too stupid to understand irony, and way too full of himself to realize it.

            I also notice people like to bash on the US for having the guts to actually go to war. You pretend like war is our national past time, yet fail to notice we don't start wars. If we go to war, the other side struck first. Or we were asked for assistance, and the side we supported was amply wronged.

            Now have all our wars turned out well? No, but I blame the politicians and secret agendas for that. Don't assume Americans love war. Some of us know what's right though.

            The use of "cunt" actually does imply Maria's English or Australian :)

            Lewis? Really? "The US doesn't start wars and the other side struck first?" Seriously? Do tell the Iraqi version of Pearl Harbor. How and when did Iraq attack America before the US invaded Iraq in search of WMD (aka Oil - as everyone knows WMD never existed)?

            Or, your other version "We were asked for assistance". Again, how and when did Iraqi people ask the Americans to come and invade them?

            Here's the thing: 1st, the US wanted to attack Iraq because of terrorism and Iraqi - Al Qaeda links. Bullshit.

            So 2nd, the US wanted to attack Iraq because Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction. Bullshit.

            So 3rd, the US wanted to attack Iraq to liberate the poor Iraqi people and deliver democracy to them. Bullshit.

            Why did the story keep on changing? I'll answer for you - because the Bush dictatorship couldn't admit that the war was simply for economic reasons.

            Lastly, the security council countries of the United Nations also have "the guts" to go to war as well... when said war is justified (examples being the Korean War and the Afghan War). The US will follow the UN in those wars OR they will ignore the United Nations and go to war themselves (with their scared British allies) - example: Iraq. That's not guts... it's greed.

            Holy shit calm down dude. You sound like you're about to stroke out.

            I have a low tolerance for bullshit. Sorry.

            So Iraq didn't actively support terrorism? Or genocide? Yup, totally about the oil. And if you hadn't notice the price on oil went up not down, so how exactly did the US benefit? And yes there were requests from the Iraqi populace for assistance.

            BTW the US is not bound by the UN. We go to war when we decide the cause is just. When's the last time the UN did anything but posture?

            As for the rest of it, politicians in general say whatever sounds best. That's pretty universal.

            You act like the US is one person, or group of people. It's not. Do you really expect every person in any country to have nothing but good intentions?

            I expect elected politicians to have good intentions, yes. They speak for the people, lead the people; their actions (or inactions) represent the will of the whole country. Isn't that how democracy is supposed to work?

            And, after 4 years and two wars (Afghan and Iraq, one justified, the other one not), the American electorate votes Bush back into power again for a second term.

            Bush, a barely literate thug of a man, elected back into power and representing the American people once again.

            So, no, every person in a country doesn't have to have good intentions. But when your president has nothing but bad intentions, why re-elect the man? The first time, I understand. Nobody knew what he was about but after the first term was over... what's the excuse then?

            And let's not get into which country is supporting terrorism. You don't want to open the door on all the terrorist actions that the US (CIA, primarily) have done since the end of World War 2 (and probably even earlier, for all I know). Reaping and sowing and the American people end up dying because of it. Your government should hang its head in shame over the terrorism that they have brought to your front door.

            Lesser of two evils? You really think Obama is any better or has any less of an agenda? Sure the talks a good talk, but most everything that comes out of that mans mouth is a flat out lie or half truth.

            Again, politicians. Like we even get to pick who runs or vote for them directly.

            To think, all of this from someone noticing that Nam pla and Napalm have the same letters.

            BTW, we have a democratic republic. We elect leaders to act for us. In a democracy the populace vote on everything. Mob rule in other words. Not so good.

            And yes it'd be great to have leaders that are nothing but good and honest. Our presidents have been so much of either since Clinton. Oh well, life goes on. Doesn't mean the war in Iraq had no justification.

            Cao Wei
            I personally would like to see the US fix issues at home before it goes out policing the world, but that's me, and it's the last I'm gonna say.

            I'd love to see America return to isolationist policies myself. Yes, stay home. Fix your own problems. Let the world be... it'll be fine without you. Doubt that that is practically possible, though.

            Also the last I'm going to say on this issue.

            I would love to jump in on this conversation and own a few people but seeing as this thread is about a Siamese condiment I would only feel embarrassed afterwards, for acting like a retard.

            Lu Yue
            nohorom!~ why a nam pla suddenly trending, and people talk about politic here? nam pla = politic tool?

            LOL is this bagoong!?

            Hey I just meet you and this is crazy but here's my number 0000(who cares) so call me maybe


            Oh... Ahaha whoops~ I thought it was bagoong ughh but Patis fits perfectly

            I hear na-palm smells better then fish sauce.

            Mei Hua
            American soldier here. War is human nature plain and simple. We are the world's greatest predator and have eliminated our natural predators so we must have something(one) to let our violent nature out on. We, the US, don't start the wars. Religion/greed/stupidity does that for us. Also, war is good for the world as a whole. Stimulates economies, controls population, and advances technology. Get used to violence it is going to happen throughout everyone's lives.

            Argue all you want by the way it won't help. I am right beyond arguments sake.

            "I am right and you can't argument with me". Nice, humble and modest statement to make.

            Do your own research about war. Remember to read from many different sources from various parts of the world and from various times throughout history.

            It also helps to pull a few tours in three different warzones. Talk to Soldiers from 15 or so countries learning their reasons to be there. Capture a few "bad" guys and find their reasons for being there and you will understand.

            Also, to the folks complaining about the US having troops everywhere. I have 5 to 1 odds that your country has troops in the same warzones. Do some research before you complain about the wars in the world. They are needed for many reasons.

            Lampa , cibai , nonok , kontol , pantek , pukimak , setan , babi , anjing , lanciau, buah peler masak asam

            @Mei Hua: To say that war stimulates economies is pure propaganda and totally false. War always drains economies. War requires massive government spending, which is horrible for the economy as a whole, because often it requires government debt and inflation. Savings and investment are what stimulate economies. The personal savings rate skyrocketed in the U.S. during world war II, which led to a healthy economy and massive boom once the war stopped. The stagflation of the 1970s after the vietnam debacle should be proof enough that wars do not always stimulate economies.

            Li Yue
            @Mei Hua: "We, the US, don't start the wars" - I see u r brainwashed soldier beyond help :) But the empire US is building wont last long u know

            tom yung anyone?

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