Superior Mentor's Treasure Chest
Treasure chest awarded to a
mentor who has helped a
beginner's growth. Honorable equipment cannot
be given to others.
Items inside? & How to get it? o.o Thank :D
This lovely box can be yours for the low, low price of only 10,000 mentor points. On JP servers, it contains:
Mentor's Robe x1
Tow Permit x20
Master's Tailoring Tools x20
Japanese screenshot shows the Robes being non-tradeable, which would fit the box's description, but it shows/says the same for Mentor's Gloves, which I've seen be traded and sold in bazaars/company shops in the past.
The more important question is how to get mentor points? I have an alt that I put as apprentic, but so far I haven't gotten any points. Anyone knows the 'exact' rules?
Well, I can confirm you get points from:
Sinking NPC ships (Amulet of the Sun counts)
Making discoveries (generally, the higher, the better; dungeon discs count too, but since your levels tank while mentoring, beware NPC attacks...)
Reporting quests (must be fleeted, on the same quest, and in the same town)
Selling trade goods for a profit (more profit, more points)
Guide: You have to specifically form a fleet with your designated mentor target, then under Fleet Management, click the player name you wish to mentor, and then click Mentor to begin the process. This can only be done in cities, not landing zones, quarters/liners, Ganador camps, or at sea.
Your skill levels drop to match your mentor target's, and in land battles, your HP/defense will drop also. Boost equipment helps alleviate this some, and if their skills are comparable to or greater than yours, then there is no penalty. (Check your skill screen while mentoring; you'll see what I mean.)
Note that once a mentor target hits 40+ in one level category, they stop giving you mentor points for that activity; a 41 trade mentor target will not give you points for selling trade goods for a profit. But you can continue to mentor someone until they're 40+ in all three categories. They even still give points in some cases (example: 65 adventure, 10 trade/battle still gives points on reporting an adventure quest together while mentored).
Caution: Apprentice is NOT the same as Mentor. Apprentice gives production benefits if you have a Meister title; Mentoring is entirely unrelated. Don't get the two confused as I did early on. I'm an admitted amateur about this topic, but that should help you get started until someone more learned appears to give a better explanation. Cheers!
Thank you Guilder :3
10k to get Advanced Mentor to max I suppose, I am Intermediate Mentor and need 2k points for next rank, to add something more, point gain is capped, not sure how it works but I was getting 10 points selling 100 Nanban goods and same when selling 50.
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