I'm seeing these in company shops. Does anyone know how to get one? Is it a quest reward or a cash item?

You can get this bullshit sword from the eastern rulers chest which I got from the TB. It's a useless sword anyway and you are better off getting a working knife made by an alchemist if you want a +1 art weapon, frugality sucks and there are wayyyyyyy better swords with +2 swordplay... Thsis sword sucks

Thanks Hans. You are correct that I am looking for +1 art boost to fit in a weapon slot. I'm trying to finish Da Vinci code quest and I have the accessory slot filled with an unlock boost. I have +2 art clothes and I need this sword to reach required art level. The comp shops are selling this sword for 30M and I just don't want to pay that to finish a quest.

If that's the case find an adventurer with the art skill you need to fleet you just leech their art skill level. That's the cheap way.

Sword no longer obtainable on GAMA. Was part of a memorial album reward (cant recall which one) but was removed or changed with 2nd age.

Never seen a memorial album for it on GAMA even before 2nd Age (least under ivyro's listings), but it was available from a TB -- used to see these for sale in bazaars all over the place. I do have one, but I'll never sell! :P

Xiao Wei
You sure? I thought I saw this as a memorial album reward one time.
When was the last time this was available?
I want to say it was last seen in a Treasure Box during the twilight of NetMarble's hosting UWO, so we're talking a bit before October 2013 at least, probably a bit further back than that. Like Sonia indicated, I remember there was a time when these things littered the streets of Seville, and they could be found in bazaars for as low as 1m or less.
It has yet to resurface in OGP's Sailor Bottles or Astro Shop, and I find it difficult to believe that will change any time soon with so many vastly superior equipment options to choose from. Better and relatively easier/cheaper to obtain equipment does exist, at least.
Hmmm... is this an item available on the Japanese server? If so, how is it obtainable on there? It shouldn't be hard to implement it in the same way. It is kinda crappy, I will admit. But it just seems like it would complete the Prester John equipment set, something I think would be nice to have. :p
Well, a little more digging shows it debuted in the Japanese servers back in a 2007 event known as "Find the PlayStation Joan of country!"
Link: gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?LiveEvent/PresterJohn
Playsation Joan = Prester John. Nice job, Google Translate! Heh. Wonder if GAMA ever got that event? In any case, I agree that it'd be nice to have it available to complete the Prester John set, but it seems it's never been released past that event for the Asian players, either. I really hate "perma-rares"... but this isn't the place for me to ramble on about that, I guess.
Although better equipment does exist, I do hope someday this sword returns, for the sake of those who might wish they could've owned one, too. Sorry I couldn't offer you more favorable information... cheers.
Np, thanks for the info. Should be useful for those who are wondering or who have wondered the same question...
are servers down?
They are, for the last 4 hours :-(.
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