This Popondetta is dropped by a "local pirate" at Australia region. You can only encounter them through ambush according to JP wiki.
However after several tries, I keep getting the wrong one who also occurs in that sea area. I am wondering if this npc is rare to get through ambush. :/
the NPC only ambushes middle levels players (under 90 total level)
No way... O_O
That means it is impossible to get for high-level players, which is pretty unfair I must say. Receiving it once like MA oke, but this goes really too far. Most of them wouldn't know this.
How do you know that by the way?
not impossible, get a friend who meets level requirements or make another character. Get to the proper sea for the ambush and admiral your friend/alt, turn the cautions off and go to work.
Can't you also get it from the map?
Yes, the red and yellow versions of this outfit come from two different archive maps whenever Ambon and/or Ternate are in Central Capital status. But if you look a little more closely at the notes here, the green version of this dress can only be plundered at sea, while the blue version seems to be dropped by a level 54 land enemy.
Actually, the 2 "Female tribal wear" maps from the Ambon/Ternate archives will show without the city being in Central Capital status, they're just hard to get. I did both maps long before Ambon reached Central Capital, and Ternate has yet to reach it. Also, the red and yellow versions are +1 Ecological Research only, whereas the green and blue versions have that and +1 Procurement as well. And according to the Japanese Wiki, the blue version is a drop from a lvl 54 mob at the South America Southwest Coast LP.
IGN: CullumStraun
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