
I cannot find the fleet west of Calais, where is it supposed to be? o,o
They actually find you.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-28-2014
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[Purification FleetA]03-29-2014
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[Purification FleetA]03-30-2014
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[Purification FleetA]03-30-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-30-2014
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[Purification FleetA]03-30-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-31-2014
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[Purification FleetA]03-31-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-31-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]04-01-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]04-01-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]04-27-2014
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The fleet is just north of Porto.
Before starting this chapter, is there a wait period? I cant trigger chap4 with the port official.
Usually for your nations storyline, if the next event doesnt trigger, you have to sail around for 30 days (in-game time now...) before it will happen.
You cant trigger the Dili battle with avoidance of war active. You get one battle before reaching Dili and one after leaving Dili
Sneak peek of Chapter 3's new ships/content/uncap to level 90: www.gamecity.ne.jp/dol/topics_cms/update/12849.html
gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?LiveEvent/AssaultsByPiratesReturn For the "Going out with a bang" event. Here, you can find where the ships are at, what kind they are, and what contents you can plunder from them. As always, some of these may be subjected to be swapped out for us on Maris. Happy plundering!
And here's a shorter link for in-game chat sharing purposes: tinyurl.com/UWO-OutPlunder
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