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Request needed for Studies
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Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
A youth studying in Yuntaishan has made a request for you. They want you to get a historical book from the scholar in Hangzhou that is as accurate as possible. Something compiled by the imperial court would be better. Interested? It seems you met the requester during that Zizhi Tongjian ordeal.... I guess he must like you.



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Girl Diligent in Studies 


Zizhi Tongjian 
Scholar- 2 times
Right side of Scholar. use Observe.

True Feelings of the Scholar
I have taught that younth much, but he has a bad habit of making pick ups seem like to much trouble. You don't have to any more jobs from him anymore. For now I give you this. It's organized by dynasty and they say there is no historical work more accurate today than this.

Recommended Historical Work
It primarily details the Early Han Dynasty. Also, since it contains decrees and such from the emperors back then, it's perfect for learning about the events tha happened during that time. But there are also a vast number of volumes and manuscripts as a result.
For now, that one book on the shelf there should e enough for him.

Special Historical Work of Western Han Dynasty
The historical book recommended by the scholar is apparently as accurate as any historical work today. Written from the beginning of the Early Hand Dynasty, it has a vast number of volumes. Borrow the single book here on the shelf and deliver to the guild, just as the scholar said.
- Discovery
Book of Han ★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:260 Fame:130
Historical book recounting the Former Han Dynasty.
Signified by its focus on each emperor and person.
is this the only quest (with adventure skills) in the game where you don't need to sail? :)