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A new taste
No Expiration
Lisbon Merchant's Guild
We got a request from a Barkeep here to do some cooking research. Since you're knowledgeable in that area, I'd like you to do it. Speak with them directly to get the details.



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1. Lisbon - Talk to the Barkeep
2. Malaga - Talk to the Barkeep
3. Malaga - Talk to the Market Keeper
4. Buy enough Garlic and Cheese to make 10 Garlic Cheese, then make it using the Simple recipes book.
5. Lisbon - Talk to the Barkeep x3

Unusual cheese
Oh yes, the request made by the merchants' guild. You see, the cheese that the sailors from the Mediterranean brought back with them changed to become even more tastier that usual. I want you to go to Malaga and find out the secret to that flavour. And if you could also bring back about 10 boxes of that cheese, I would really appreciate it.

A Malaga delicacy
That's the cheese that's been flavoured with this city's famous garlic. It's true that the garlic has been especially good this year, and the cheese has been more popular than ever. You've got some skill in the kitchen, right? Why don't you try making your own special kind of cheese? You can get the ingredients at the market.

Cheese and garlic
Ah, you want some ingredients. Right now I'd have to recommend the cheese and garlic... I see. You need 10 boxes. Well, once we have 10 barrels that should be plenty. After that, you just have to season them to taste!

Garlic cheese
Oh, you're back. First things first: let's have that extra-tasty cheese.

Delivery of garlic cheese
Hey, this cheese doesn't taste the same as the last kind. You say you made this yourself? Please, tell me where you found out the secret to the flavour.

Malaga garlic
Malaga's garlic is plentiful, and also has a strong scent and flavour. That was most likely the secret behind the special cheese that the sailors from Malaga brought with them. Go and inform the barkeep.