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      Man became a God
      No Expiration
      Portobelo Adventurer's Guild
      I've got a letter here addressed to you. The details of job they want you to do are all written in the letter. Think you'd be interested? If you think you'll be willing to take the job then I'll let you have the letter.
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                      [IMG19,Quest guide]
                      1. Portobelo - Adventurer mediator x2
                      3. Southeast Veracruz - Outside the gates of Tenochtitlan

                      Shadow on the Imperial Capital 1
                      Thoughts of one who is no more 1
                      Man who became a god
                      Respective trends 1
                      The man 1
                      The path of a maiden
                      he Aztechs

                      [IMG16,Obtained info]
                      1. Suspicious-looking letter
                      So you'll do it, huh? Here, take it. It's kind of creepy, aye? Im too scared to even open it...

                      2. To the Veracruz outskirts
                      "Come to Vera-cruz's south gate immediately. Do now show or speak of the letter to anyone. If you ignore these instructions, then anyone who had anything to do with this will be killed."

                      3. Infiltration successful?
                      It was Xochitl who sent the letter. It turns out that the Xochitl who fought Cuauhtemoc and the Xochitl who adores Raoul(sic) as a big brother, were one and the same. What on earth happened to her..? Well, it looks like She's succeeded in infiltrating the Imperial Capital...

                      4. Gods and monsters
                      Xochitl infiltrated Tenochtitlan so that Cortes would not find her. Why is she risking so much to enter the Capital...? For now, I should report to the Guild and receive my reward.

                      Exp:50, Fame:20

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