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      Bronze work of Anatolia
      No Expiration
      Istanbul Adventurer's Guild
      Anatolia is known for Hittite steel,but steel rots away easily so there isn't much of it left. But maybe if you can find some bronze pieces from before the Hittite Age, it will provide some clues as to how they advanced to making steel. Talk to the scholar researching this for details.
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                      Pre-Quest: Religious city on strange rock 3 5 1 Cappadocia

                      1. Istanbul - Scholar: Talk to
                      2. Trebizond - Travelling Scholar: Talk to
                      3. Turkey North Coast-Anatolian Highlands - Use Observe Search

                      1. An Abundance of iron ore
                      If you look at the rich iron ore produced in Anatolia, you will understand how the Hittites developed iron-working ability. The question is why they were not satisfied with bronze. It requires advanced technology to work with iron, so they probably would not have developed it unless it was truly needed. Please go talk to Scholar at Trabzon
                      2. From bronze to iron
                      Iron ore can be mined in relatively large quantities in Anatolia, but the tin required to make bronze is scarce. Until developed ironworking, they must have obtained tin by trading. Even after developing ironworking technology, the probably continued to use bronze as well, considering its production ease
                      3. Bronze work of Anatolia
                      The discovery of the Hittites of how to make iron appears to be related to the type of mineral ore found on the Anatolian peninsula. Look for ore bronze ware to continue your research. You might find what you're looking for at Cappadocia

                      Bronze Decoration

                        • Discovery
                        • Bronze Decoration ★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:360 Fame:180
                          A bronze ornament unearthed on the Anatolian peninsula. Its function is unknown. The Hittites, who flourished on the Anatolian peninsula, would later discover iron forging technology.

                          in Istanbul, talk to Scholar (Archives)
                          in Trebizond, talk to Travelling Scholar (near Rest Area)
                          in Turkey North Coast, Anatolian Highlands, use Observe and Search near Ruins Interior entrance (West of Trebizond)
                          Report quest

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