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Legendary magical sword
No Expiration
London Adventurer's Guild
I got in some good information. In England it seems there is a legendary sword. It's magical sword that can cut through any armour as if it were butter. As an adventurer, there's no way you can let this information pass you by, right? How about you go out in town and see what you can hear?

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[IMG19,Quest guide]
London Tavern - Tavern Barkeeper
London Archives - Archive Scholar
Dublin Tavern - 주점주인과 대화
Dublin Tavern - 뱃사람과 대화
Dublin Church - 사제와 대화
A Small Island West of Britain 


The Isle of Man 
전설의 마검
Sea god at the Isle of Man 


Fragarach [IMG16,Obtained info]

1. The armour piercing magic sword
A magic sword that can cut through any armour at all like butter?
Well, I know some amazing things about a Holy Sword, but a magic sword...
Sorry, I have no idea. Why don't you ask a Scholar?

2. The answer
A magic sword that can cut through any armour? Well... that must be the sword of the sun god Lugh who appears in Irish legends. Based on the desires of its owner, it leav3es its scabbard freely to come to its master's hand and slice through anything just like butter. And, if thrown, it returns to the hand, giving it the nickname of "The answerer".

3. The sword of Manannan Mac Lir
The Answerer? Oh, you mean the sun god Lugh's sword Fragarach?
Originally, it belonged to his foster fater, the sea god Manannan. When the people of Danann desired to go to battle, he lent it to Lugh. Hmm? Maybe that sailor over there wnts to say something, too?

4. Lugh's foster father
Lugh was the offspring of Cian from the people of Danann and the daughter of a rival tribe.
When Cian fled from the enemy with Lugh, Manannan came to his aid. The sea god then took Lugh in and raised him thereafter.
If you want to learn more, maybe you should talk to a priest?

5. The Palace of Manannan Mac Lir
Once Fragarach was drawn from its scabbard, no number of men could escaple it. Although.. Lugh is mostly known for using a spear. Not many legends are told about him wielding a sword. But perhaps some stories remain on the island where its original owner Manannan had his palce. Though... you should probably quit now...

6. Legendary magical sword
The lengendary magic sword appears to be Fragarach, which the sun god Lugh borrowed from Manannan. That famous blade could cut through anything and would return to the hand if thrown. It was also known as "The Answerer". There seems to be an island where Manannan's palce once stood. For now, you should report back at the guild.
Quest Mediation Permit
adv exp 60, fame 40, 1qmp