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      The land of beginnings
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      I hear there is a continent to the south of Dili... And it seems that there is a people that have lived there since ancient times. This is an interesting land to us, but we have only almost no contact. We would like you to perform a preliminary survey of the continent. There are some people in Makassar who have gone to this continent, if even just a few Gather information before you leave for the continent.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                    1. Makassar - Talk to Seafarer
                    2.Kakadu - Talk to Rest House Master
                    3.Kakadu - Talk to Market Keeper
                    4.Kakadu - Talk to Item Shop Keeper
                    5.Kakadu - Talk to Resident x2
                    7. The Arafura Sea - Just outside Kakadu Recognition

                    The land of beginnings
                    Background to spirits and people 8 10 1 Ancient Rock Art

                    1. Land where a different people live
                    It doesn't happen very often, but sometimes the local fishermen go all the way down near the southern continent to fish. But, because the people down there have a completely different language and culture from ours it's difficult to interact with them. There's a town by the name of Kakadu on the north coast. I suppose you could try going there if you want.

                    2. Base point of dispersion
                    Hmm, we don't get your type around here too often. What's that? You want to know more about us? Well, according to the legends around here we came over here from the north a long time ago and this is where we ended up. Our ancestors went on to spread out all throughout this land.

                    3. Ancient Tradition
                    The legend that the owner of the Rest Area was talking about is really old. For example, the language used in this town can't be understood by anyone anywhere else. Everywhere around here is like that. Nobodyreally knows just how many languages there are. Anyway, given the time it'd take for all these languages to branch off like this you can tell just how old it really is.

                    4. Characteristic instrument
                    I don't know about all that kind of stuff but i do know that there is a musical instrument that's only made by the people ofthis town and the surrounding area. It's made using the wood of a eucalyptus tree that's been eaten by termites. and there's a legend that's passed down through song and dance using this instrument. It's a very holy object to us, so be careful with it if you happen to find one.

                    5. Tradition also imparted on painting
                    This legend is pased down not only through song and dance but through paintings as well, there are countless paintings left on the walls of caves and rocks on mountains considered holy around here. I don't recommend walking around outside of town unless you're familiar with the area though... Maybe i should tell you more.

                    6. Diversified nature
                    First of all, the rivers around her are full of huge aligators. If you aren't on your toes out there you're as good as dinner as far as they're concerned. There's also a large wetland to contend with. You won't get very far if you run into it that's for sure. Although, i am sure there are lots of plants and animals that you've never seen out there. I'd take some time to get used to the area before venturing out on your own though.

                    7. The land of beggining
                    The people on the continent south of Dili spread out into the region starting from Kakadu. Unfortunately, thats too haso nly been passed down as a lagend through song, dance and paintings. I should set sail from Kakadu and assess the area.

                    Quest Mediation Permit

                    Arnhem Land

                      • Discovery
                      • Arnhem Land ★★★ (Geography) Exp:484 Fame:220
                        The northernmost peninsula in Australia. The central part is mountainous, but the coastal areas are relatively flat. Many rock paintings believed to have been drawn by the Aboriginal Australians remain on this peninsula.

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