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          (g.t.)Origin of an adult war
          No Expiration
          Stockholm Adventurer's Guild
          As there are many stories regarding saints at a church, it's quite difficult to just even have a grasp of all of them.
          As such, we've received a request from a Priest in Dublin. As there is apparently a book which is a compilation of many stories regarding saints, he would like to obtain it.
          Please head to Dublin
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                1. Dublin Church - Speak with Priest x3
                2. Genoa Archives - Speak with Scholar x2
                3. Genoa Church - On the wall left from the bookstand

                Those Who tell Stories 6 8 1

                Item Request
                So, you've accepted my request. What i wish to have at our church is a book containing very important stories of saints. The book was created a long time ago by archbishop, Jacobus da Varagine; and the book is considered the epitome of books for stories regarding saints.

                Jacobus, the Author
                After entering the Dominican Order, Jacobus had spread his name as a prior, and was even acquainted with Thomas Aquinas. During his later years, as the archbishop of Genoa, he had helped with the conciliation between the faction which supported the Pope and the faction which supported Friedrich II, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

                A Treasured Book
                The name of the book in Latin means 'Golden Legend', but it seems to be a name that was given by the later generations. In addition to containing stories of saints, it also contains information regarding important holydays; truly, it's something worthy of being a treasure of the church.
                As Jacobus originated from Genoa, I'm sure you can find a copy there.

                Records of the Previous Generations
                Jacobus had written a book compiling stories of saints, starting with 'The Advent of Our Lord'. Which is something that continues after the Old Testament and the New Testament.
                This book is great because it contains information on the lives of saints in the past as well as providing an explanation of holydays.

                Location of a Copy of the Book
                It's an order from the church in Dublin? If the case, it'll be no trouble at all.
                As there was a copy recently sent to the church of this city, let's send a new copy of it to Dublin as well. If it's alright with you, please feel free to take a look at teh copy inside the church in this city before you take off.

                Delivery Completed
                Due to the request from the church in Dublin, you went to the Archives in Genoa in search of a book regarding the stories of saints and was told that a new copy of it will be sent to the church.
                Let's take a look at the copy in the church within the city of genoa and then report back to the client.

                Legenda Aurea

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