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  • San Francisco Collective Guild
    San Francisco Collective Guild
    San Francisco Collective Guild
    San Francisco Collective Guild

The Merchants' Guild's Struggles 1
The Adventure Guild's Struggles 1
The Maritime Guild's Struggles 1

Merchant mediator

Deliver corn 7*
19th century 208,000 D
240 D

Quest details
It's a request from a Trade Merchant from the far East in Hangzhou. They want you to deliver five bags of Corn. It'll be a long distance voyage, but you should be alright. Just be careful of Pirates and take care of your belongings.


Corn 0/5
Nanban Trade Merchant(Hangzhou)


San Francisco - buy corn
Hangzhou - talk to Nanban Trade Merchant with 5 corn in your possession

Corn x5
Oh hey, I was waiting for you. thanks for coming all the way here. I don't know where they heard it, but this city's Epicure really seemed to want to try eating some corn and asked me to bring some in... Oh, sorry, that sounded a bit like a complaint. All that aside, you really helped me out. thanks again.

reward: Purchase Order (Category 1) x4

San Francisco Adventurers' Guild

Butterfly with Transparent Wings
6*, Eco 6 Bio 8 Spain
160,000 D
20,000 D

Quest Guide

1. Acapulco - Speak with Maiden near the pier
2. Panama - Speak with Merchant at tavern
3. South America Northwest Coast - Search near Flower - Red in the north

Quest Details

We've received a request from a butterfly researcher. They heard a rumour about a butterfly with transparent wings and want to find out if it's real or not.
Just because it has transparent wings, you better not catch a dragonfly by mistake.
As a girl from Acapulco started that rumour, perhaps you should find her there for more information.


1. 40 Times its Strength
Butterfly with transparent wings? I heard from a traveler, but it can apparently carry objects 40 times heavier than its own weight. If i can carry that much, I can sure do a lot of shopping all at once then.
This traveler is from Panama. He said that he's a merchant famous for drinking a lot. Perhaps, you should try finding him at the Tavern in Panama?

2. Beautiful Butterfly with Poison
You wish to know about the butterfly with transparent wings? That butterfly gathers poison from plants into its own body. the male of the species uses that poison to attract female. I wonder would I be a little more popular if I was a little more toxic...
I found that butterfly a little south of here.

!. !
Invisible Poisonous Butterfly
You've obtained information regarding the butterfly required for investigation. Exit the city of Panama, head south along the coast and land at the South America Northwest Coast.
They may be found near flowers. As it is poisonous, be careful not to touch it.


Glasswing Butterfly

Merchant mediator

Deliver Tomatoes, 9*
464.000 D
440 D

There's a resquest that came in from a daughter of an Italian Noble. They want 5 boxes of Tomatoes to be delivered to them. Though I wonder why they requested it directly from us.
Well, putting that aside, I'll be counting on you. It'll be a long distance voyage, so be careful of Pirates and take care of your belongings.

Tomatoes 0/5
Aristocrat(Venice) at Square


Venice- talk to aristocrat with 5 Tomatoes in your possession

Tomatoes x5
Oh, so this is a tomato? Hmmm, how cute and circular it is. It's exactly like what I heard. I mus display it in my room as soon as possible. Pardon? Why am I not eating it? What, I could never eat such an adorable thing.

reward: Purchase Order (Category 1) x11

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