Wave Resistance Improvement
Improves ship's resistance against
broadside waves and high waves.
how much WR?
light 1 (40) +1
light 2 (80) +3
standard(120) +4
heavy 1 (160) +6
heavy 2 (200) +7
Thanks ReaD :*
Does Wave Resistance affect ship speed in battle?
Where can we find this, is this a mod or skill?
Seems more questions jumped into this topic to begin with:
It is believed that WR raises shipspeed in sea battle, but in practice it is barely noticeable. I have to test this out yet later, but it does NOT raise the sailing topspeed. It makes you immune for storm (11+), makes you disaster proof from high waves (Your WR => Sea Wave) and it reduces speed up loss of the sea by cargo load.
It goes to your Special Improve section which shows often the latest ship material you changed to and which fusion improvements you chose. So if you choose WR improvement for fusion then this icon appears. How many WR gives is already distribed by ReaD.
Hope these are the answers that you both are looking for. :)
Thank you @H.-Gazi , please share it after you have tested it please . thank you :)
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