Boulder Drop
Trap that drops boulders in the vicinity of the target
Acquisition Requirements
Rank 5 Trap
Large Barrel Drop
***Extra Information***
Tech Rank: 3
Consumed Gauge: 80
Range: 100
Scatter Range: 45
Requires 2 a 3 seconds before the activation.
With advanture job it requires just one second before the activation.
No effect addition, it deals only damage to the enemies within the scatter range. The higher
Trap Trap the more damage it deals.
Extra information:
> Learned from Leshan Budha Lower, at Floor 15 (according to Japanese wiki random learning).
> Adding this in original Tech may add "Stuck"-effect which reduces the attack speed of the enemy by approx 75%.
I went to the all the NPCs listed in the Japanese wiki, but I couldn't get any of them to use this tech on me. It mentioned it was "Random acquisition only" but it said the same about
Range Pit Trap and I was able to learn it from an NPC that used it on me. I also tried going to a few punishment rooms in some dungeons, no luck either. Unless I was just really unlucky, is this even obtainable in game at all? Any help would be appreciated.
also from Colorado Bandit L45.
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