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  • Cannonsmith (Fracturing Explosive Shells)
    The title given to those who pursue
    the production method of Fracturing Explosive Shells.
    You will be able to gain Expertise on
    'Fracturing Explosive Shells,'
    one of the Pursuit Production Categories.

Unlocked after reaching Rank 4 Detonics.
Other requirements might include at least Casting and Sophia Rank, although it's unknown with how exactly rank they needed.

Pursuit Production recipe from this title:
Research on Fracturing Explosive Shells
Advanced Research on Fracturing Explosive Shells (unlocked after reaching Expertise Rank 7 of this title)

Now the update allow us to reach r15 at this title.

1 - It's possible keep ranking up from r12 to r15 using Factory's Blast Furnace recipe?

2 - Do we need to complete the 2 new legacyes in order to rank up to r15?

1. Yes. The only way to gain progress for this title is to perform IR Town Casting recipes. However, some national IR Towns may not have high enough ranked recipes available due to unknown mechanics which affect recipe availability; in that case, those players will have to go to Manchester to advance their title ranks.

2. No, legacy themes are unrelated to acquisition and progression of Cannonsmith titles. Detonics skill and Sophia ranks are the only requirements to unlock pursuit recipes (which then require specific production to advance them).

Additional note for those that may come here later on: Manchester lacks a "Use Stockpile" function, so I'm afraid you will have to gather the appropriate amount of materials if you intend to complete your Cannonsmith ranking there.

I actually have inquired with PapayaPlay about the fact that some nation IR ports (France in particular) seem to lack important recipes at times, particularly those needed to complete Memorial Albums related to IR production, but they were unable determine the reason why this happens. I hope one day a solution can be found.

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