Pioneer of History
Title given to adventurers that greatly
influence cultural or sailing related
historical events.
How do you get this title?
You have to wait for an adventure-related historical event (eg race or treasure hunt) and follow it to (almost) the end.
There is a race going on from Lisbon to Hawaii, so if I do that i'll get the title?
Or am I misunderstanding something?
Every two months the world clock changes and a historical event fires. It could be battle, trade or adventure related. When adventure related, if you progress it enough it gives you this title.
The current race is one of the "normal" bimonthly races, not fired from a world clock change / historical event, so you can't get the title out of it.
Check again on the last Thursday of January for the next world clock change. No guarantee the event will be adventure-related of course. You may well have to wait several months before you have the next chance to claim this title.
Hope this helps.
Understood, thanks!
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