The great capital of Italy, dating far back. It lasted through many changes, from a kingdom, to a republic to an empire and left behind numerous ruins. The coliseum is one of those remains.
★ (Port: Settlement)
Exp:38 Fame:19 Ducat:7600
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Uwo Whistleblower
It is just a rumor that chapter 2 will nerf deck. Just because it happened on 1 server doesnt mean ours will follow suit. Some servers dont even have NC ships. You pussies that are hiding in turtle ships and waiting for that so called chapter 2 nerf are in for a real suprise. There will be no nerf!! This is just some players attempt to get others ti abandon tech training so they can pull ahead.

no one complains here still you put the thread up .. looking for attention is it?

and you douche bags who can only win with deck battle. got to love the hate when peoples "opinions" are gospel and think the other is the bad guy. just because I don't or do deck battle doesn't mean that I'm a noob because I won't play to Your strengths. if I set up for all cannon battle of course I'm going to avoid deck/melle and vice versa. was using ironside against pirate and hell call me a pussy because I wouldn't melle. is it a immature generation thing that they complain because shot dosent go their way. oh wait I can't best you that way, play my way or I'm going to complain and bad mouth you. yes I would get beat on deck but I will not whine like a bitch as some of you do. you play to your strengths and I to mine. sure this will fall on deaf ears but if you despise my opinion your one of those bitches and I don't care

Yes Gunny you are a noob. Deck is an aspect of maritime on the game. You knew in advance it was coming and you didn't prepare. Essentially you are a bad gamer, NOOB!

yes but I'm not bitching about getting beat yand ok with not making that a priority ATM.

oh no some loser teen thinks I'm a noob
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