Melee Battle Ship Refit
Refit specialized in melee battles.
Gives an advantage in melee battles,
but weaken defense against
cannon shots.
Auto Effect
Required Skill
Melee Battle Ship Refit
Refit specialized in melee battles. Give an advantage in melee battles, but weaken defense against cannon shots.
5% dmg more from cannon shots..
increase melee dmg against enemy and reduce melee dmg receive..
has anyone been able to confirm percentage % wise how much extra att/def this refit gives you in melee battle?
I am trying to determine if cabin capacity increase is more worth it over this; as a grade bonus.
Reduce the damage to sailors in hand-to-hand combat, but sailors damage to the enemy will increase,
Increases damage received by cannons. Bombardment damage 5% worse
Decrease the probability of withdrawal of melee and enemy melee combat.
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