Treasure Ship
An ornament of a treasure ship, popular
as a good luck talisman.
Confirmed this comes as reward from mission 6 of the running event. Requires you to sell a combo 14x50 of spec trade goods to a different area, an activity that the majority of players normally hate to death :-). I'm considering selling mine if the price is good. PC anyone?
Hn. Not an enviable task by any means; might you know whether one can sell all 14x50 goods in a single trade for the reward, or must one instead work up sequentially to that final trade goal?
Once is enough. I collected 50s of spec goods from all around EU and sold them to a colony in north America. But I am loaded with trading skills so it was quick and I'm weird enough to enjoy that sort of stuff.
I've heard of people running around from Seville to London and back trying to locate 14 different types of EA goods and SEA spices in people's bazaars, eventually succeeding. Surely it's an option.
Thank you. It is not weird, so much as it is a matter of preference; I enjoy trade at certain times, but limited opportunity events, even those with as generous a deadline as close to two weeks, are not so enjoyable to me.
One note, might save somebody from frustration: afaik every single good type that you sell needs to separately yield a profit in order for the combo to count in full. So if you decide to do it my way, you want to avoid EU spec goods that may also be produced by american colonies. I've seen chamomile, almonds, walnuts, european armour and oil paintings for sale across the pond, so these better be avoided. Others too maybe? If unsure, might preferably sell in west Africa or San Juan.
Topaz, maya blue, peanuts at Cayenne. pineapple, tequila at Grand Cayman, allspices at Trujillo, Opal, Chicle at Merida, Maple syrup, cranberries Natal indigo, folk costumes, at colony, cacao, tobacco at Havana. Sell all in any europe port. mission 6 platinum done
with a fleet mate with the trade skills, you do that carib-colony tour in less than 2 hours, depending where are your registered colony
I'll be raiding an East Asia dungeon like FSD lower for my assorted trade goodies. But that's just my approach; cool to see there's so many other ways to go about getting this ornament.
I could be persuaded to sell mine. How much would you be prepared to spend for it?
PM me an offer or leave one here Pricecheck.
IGN: CullumStraun
Pricecheck, leave your IGN(In Game Name) with an offer, or PM me.
IGN: CullumStraun
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