Swedish Military Wooden Paneling
Wooden paneling to change Ship Material to Swedish Military.
Durability: 111% / Speed: 105%
Light Standard Heavy
change ship material / Development 66,000 Invest 660,000
"Sweden military wooden coverings"
Looks like this is the Swedish version of National Teak Paneling. One chart I found suggests it's a rare drop from a 17th Century Ganador boss:
gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?Ganador%2F17th century
It's also a future memorial album reward (not listed in English on the UWO DB yet, but it's easy enough to check under Japanese).
It's too soon to say if these panels can be obtained on GAMA in the same way, though. Guess we'll find out soon enough.
Since the R18 Handicrafts/R18 Shipbuilding recipes for national teak panels are now available, I'm curiou... er, wondering. Can this panel be made as well? Also, for Japan at least, this is a reward item for completing a Memorial Album featuring all seven national teak panels (Ottoman + European Player Nations)... is that also the case on GAMA, or was it changed to something else?
So I've heard from a friend who recently crafted one of the panels that this MA is on GAMA, as he got a MA completion when he made the panel. Tonight (or maybe tomorrow night) a friend and I are gonna try to craft all of these panels. I will let you know what the result is.
so according to that can i leech handicraft or i should leech sb ?
The person crafting need the main production skill, and leech SB from the fleet member.
I can confirm this is in game, I got one for memorial album completion of the panel album. An extremely difficult one to finish, requires 7nation, r18 handicrafts and a fleeted r18+ SB, and as it is memorial album reward, only one per player who meets the requirements so don't expect the price to be cheap. (Shameless plug) Also I'm WTS it ^_^, PM me IGN:OjosDeAzul
So even though it shows an investment chart thingy up there, players can't make this at Stockholm, huh? Too bad. Thanks for the information though!
PM me in game Ghirahim, maybe we can work something out.
In addition to the MA reward, this was made available from the Cargo King Mystery Bottle (released 7/22).
Source: wiki.ogplanet.com/uwo/index.php?title=Cargo_King_Mystery_Bottle
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