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Buy in Gothenburg for 100k at the Item shop. Need to invest about 8 mil before it will show up in shop. List of recipes:

Ancient Roman Drink
Wine x10 + Honey x10 + Raisins x3 = Mulsum x4

Trojan Pig
Sausages x5 + Pigs x5 + Dried Apples x5 = Trojan Pig x2

Ancient Greek Mystery Cuisine
Barley x10 + Cheese x6 + Wine x10 = Kykeon x4

Sparta's Secret Cuisine
Pigs x5 + Salt x10 + White Vinegar x8 = Melas Zomos x5

Ancient Healthy Soup
Milk x5 + Flour x8 + Nettle x5 = Nettle Soup x4

Wild Oats x10 + Flour x4 + Salt x4 = Oatcake x5

Oldest Pasta
Flour x10 + Salt x4 + Garlic x4 = Testaroli x4

NOTE: To be able to use any of these recipes you must complete the historical figure bio Bartolomeo Scappi from "The Celebrity Chef", since these all are R21 recipes, and you are capped at R20 until you finish all 4 chapters. I will refer to the page Opera di Bartolomeo if you need details.

After testing all these recipes, I found most of them to be... underwhelming to say the least. Ill let you be the judge if this worth going after or not.

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