Are there any recipes to make these?
You can buy these In Plymouth now. Price is 810D at 100%. No investment required. This will also make grinding Weapons trading slightly easier as we finally have a port that's sells more then one weapon type.
P.S. There are no recipes to make these.
These are no longer available in Plymouth. Don't know why????
They were a "special" item available in Plymouth due to the status of the world clock. The world clock has now changed which is why this item is no longer available.
This trade good is available from Plymouth during World Clock 15th Century, Periods 3-4. An Adept of Age title from either period will let you access Crossbows from Plymouth at any time, though. I found this to be the easiest (15-p3) title quest:
Develop sea lane to Syracuse
gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?WorldClock/item (World Clock specific goods/items/recipes)
gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?Quest/ChronoQuest (Chrono Quest list)
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