New Nanban Permit Bill
A permit allowing another opportunity to
perform Nanban trade.

Where to get it?

Currently available in Thanksgiving Box.

Xiao Wei
Price check

Currently available at T-Box, it is like Renegotiation Demand

price check
NOW tradeable...
is this tradeable now?
i have it and i dont see any it is tradeable...

I have 11 of them WTS for 5m each
Post your IGN Here please

Mei Hua
price check ?

Port Official
CRZY_PSYCO_CHICK made a huge price check list from all her auctions check there

How is crzy psycho chic the go to for PCs now? She auctions off stuff based on player price... Heck she was auctioning off something that was way past the real price in the game but just because she's either too ignorant or just doesn't care, she wouldn't dare correct people's prices. And then when she gets corrected, she gets bitter and then a ton of CPC cronies rain their ignorance on you.
If people dont want to help with the inflation, THINK FOR YOURSELF. Don't base your prices on resellers and people like her. What happened to UWO players? It used to be a game where people use their own heads, not copy everything with someone's cheat sheets

@Mei Hua this goes from 4-6 million each. That's not a reseller's price...

CPC is an ok player, but what has been said above is true.
She can't make the prices for each item, it will only inflate the economy further.
Plus, she doesn't even know each item because all she does is stay at Seville..
She's not a godamn god, stop acting like a slave towards her! I'm not jealous but its pathetic to see everyone acting like she's a God.
Don't be someone like that; be your own, think of your own and long live UnchartedWO

Xiao Wei
Lewis and Kicker you sound ultra jealous of CPC. I trust her price checks more than you two or any other player she has sold more items than ANY OTHER player in this game you have to respect that.
Auctions dont cause inflation because some items sell for less and some sell for more just depends just do an average of her prices to get a real estimate.
Kicker you probably dont like CPC just because she has more money and respect than you hell maybe more than most players but you still should not to get so jealous of CPC's fame and wealth.


09-18-2013 : CRZY_PSYCO_CHICK Price list(Great Price list) : Savvia/UWO Reserve Bank Scammer Prices(Dont visit here you will be scammed or hacked)

Great price list? Low-ball price list!!

@shirin you must be a reseller and soem of you guys saying CPC is causing inflation and u say her prices are low so what the fuck is the real story or are you just CRZY_PSYCO_CHICK Trolls and haters?

You people are too stupid to comment on what's causing inflation. It's the sheer amount of ducats in game and nothing else. If there was half as much ducats floating around everything would cost half as much. It really is that damn simple. Grow up, get over it, premium items will always cost more than you have if all you are going to do is cry about pricing.
I have never had more than 1.8 billion ducats at any one time and I'm fine with that. I still manage to have all of the boats I want to have, I just can't have every boat I ever wanted to have. Can you even comprehend what that means?
Enough with the constant bitching, one person's auctions do NOT cause inflation, however they are a very good indication of what the players will pay. CPC isn't setting the prices, her auctions are. Again do you comprehend what I just said?
This is quickly becoming tldr but I'm just so tired of seeing the ass-backwards, ignorant statements about the in-game economy by people who have no clue. Personally I don't care for the spam that the auctions generate, and so I don't participate in them, but take your personal feelings for the player(s) out of it and stop attacking one player for an out of whack economy.

inflation is based on how much money everybody is spending, the majority of players - go out and earn their money however they do, n spend it however they want. the losers trolling this site and CPC about inflation are the lazy mofo's that wont go out n do a lil grafting these will be the same losers that bum off the state in rl.
if you dont go out n earn you wont have any to spend, be a loser or dont, the choice is yours but dont complain if you just cant be arsed.

Oh noez! CPC's knights are it again! I'm not jealous at all, but the way all of you defend her is just laughable. Too funny, well it is your life.

Just checked the CPC prices for seafood pizza (currently making them to grind cooking, but selling to make extra profit nonetheless). 999x pizzas for 7-10mil? That's ~7k-10k each. Do people really pay that much?
FTW, I sell them at 2k each, 3k most. I'm either munificent, or rational, or both. :)

Just checked the CPC prices for seafood pizza (currently making them to grind cooking, but selling to make extra profit nonetheless). 999x pizzas for 7-10mil? That's ~7k-10k each. Do people really pay that much?
FTW, I sell them at 2k each, 3k most. I'm either munificent, or rational, or both. :)

The UWO community is some of the most ungrateful, disrepectful assholes I have ever seen in my life.
Honestly CRZY_PSYCO_CHICK took the time and effort and sacrifice to create auctions because the developers didnt do it for you guys and I have seen her auction 3-6 hours straight every night just so you guys could have the feature. And all you assholes do is trash talk her here. The least you fuckers could say is thank you. But no all you do is call her a whore and badmouth her.
Then she makes a huge price check list from all her acutions so people wont wonder around aimlessly when it comes to prices and you come on here and act like bitches whine and complain like gay faggots. You people make me sick and its not about being a fan of CPC its giving credit where credit is due plain.
When will you guys ever grow up and stop being jealous. If I was CPC I wouldnt do anything for the ungrateful fuckface UWO community. You People make me sick suck my dick!

Oh bullshit. CPC does auctions for profit and attention (mainly the latter).
As far as pricing guides go, auctions are the worst metric one could use. She's said herself, you never get the same results from auctions.
So one person values ItemX more than others, and bids high, that doesn't indicate that anyone else values it. Not to mention the trolling and fake bidding, some of which seems to have been purely to increase commissions.
So another auction falls flat, nobody that is currently paying attention to the auction values ItemY enough to bother bidding it up. That doesn't indicate that the item is cheap or worthless, just that nobody was on that wanted to bid on one of CPC's auctions for it.
If you had a thousand auction results for each item, maybe you could draw some meaningful correlations, but as it stands, it's just a handful of poor anecdotes being touted as the "true value" of items. People are fucking stupid to humour this idea, or CPC for promoting it.

So Jean lets see we should not listen to sumone who lets the player decide what they will pay and lists all the results of the auction but we should listen to the follwoing players then:
1.UWO Reserve bank the Absurdly high priced resellers scammers and hackers
2.Prinicipi insanley high priced Reseller
3.The Poopsies another insanely high priced Reseller
4.Jopipi ridiculously high priced reseller
5.Savvia Reseller,scammer and thief
6.Enternal, cml,Bartolomeo,ChuengPoTsai,Wolf Fang scammers and resellers
7.Some random person you ask in World Chat who you have no idea who or what they have acutally sold and have no records of it
Like it or not Jean CRZY_PSYCO_CHICK's price check list is the best out right now. It may not be perfect but it is the best at the moment

Ill pay 5m ea IGN TurdFergusen :)

Nice false dichotomy you've got there, shame if something were to happen to it.
It's not an either/or thing. I think people would be wise not go give CPC's spin on pricing any more heed than the greedy little shits you list.
Friends, company members, and trusted names in merch or world are your best bet to figure out values, if you can't do it directly by interacting with the market.

Shirin the person who gives the most price checks in world chat is CPC everyone asks her for a reason. To say CPC is no different than all the resellers is just a stupid and biased thing to say on your part. CPC didnt just randomly pick a price for the items all the people bid what they felt it was worth that way is very reliable to me. You obviously just dont like CPC for what ever reason I dont know why.

LOL @ Chester. I ask for pc in merch chat all the time. The only time CPC is there is when she's being an attention whore or spamming her auction.
And never once did she give a credible pc. Thing is, if you're not one of those that kisses her ass, she doesn't give 2 shits about you. So if she's paying attention to you.. congrats, you're officially one of her cronies..
Also... it's a he

it reset the 3 trade per day penalty or not?
and yeah what igor above says is true. cpc is a he.

Meng Meng
there is no such thing as 3 trades per day penalty.
There is a penalty that after 5 trades you receive less trade goods. You get this message:
"From here on, the trade exchange percentage will drop"

small mistake. but still you are no answering the question, smartass.

Xiao Wei
yes, small mistake and didnt answered, but you can try by yourself too, can be done in just 1 trip and you get your answer

why waste time and permits and risk getting attack by pirates when others can provide the info. and please dont comment if you dont want to provide any info.

forgive me for butting in but how many hours per day do one play to get more than 5 runs in a day? or how fast the ship needed to be?

This item does not reset 5 trades per day penalty.

Lena, you can do 5 trades in 10 minutes, just do port reset and you can trade in the city again.

this permit equals port hop and nothing more. very lame indeed. in what circumstance will this will be useful except when doing +2 trade skill thesis?

you can use this item when you are too lazy to do port reset when you trading 50 trade goods in hope to get a gift from famous person - for memorial album

geez how does anybody know who is a 'TRUSTED' name in Merchant chat forfucksake, most players have multiple accounts, anyone of the 'Trusted' could be a scammer your best friends n company members could be and you would never know.
if 1 person can set up UWORB to scam do you think it impossible that your friend or comp members or the 'Trusted' couldn't set up another account to scam.
there is NO SET VALUE on any item its upto the individual buyer/seller.
this *Nanban Permit Bill* for example is worth nothing to me, but players have bought it at 6m from me.
lastly @ 'Sonia' - this item is basicly like a Purchase Order tell me that you never used a PO during the game to avoid port hop and I will name you a LIAR n too lazy to do port hop...

@Emmma The only trusted name in merchant chat was CRZY_PSYCHO_CHICK but she quit :( she would hold people stuff and auction it for them and give the money I don't trust none of these other Aholes , scammers and trolls in this game. She made a price check list on the netmarble forums at that's the only advice I have for you

Wen zhi
Another CPC lackey she is not god stop treating her like one

Ming Mei
I did not and still do not care at all for auction-style sales, but CPC was trustworthy with your ships, gear, and ducats. I don't know why people run her down so much. The only person I saw come up so far and complain was a person who upbid on his own auction and then balked at the commision fee. Clearly that person did not understand how auctions work.

Yeah she's very trustworthy... cos she wants your money. The more you bid on the items the more she gets for in commission.... Jesus people are stupid.

Hernan you are retarded she could have made more by stealing the items instead of commission stop bashing CPC just because she is one of the best merchants in UWO

uuuunnngggghhhh she made too much money urrrrrnnnnnngggggghhhh she never left Seville and made billions for nothing. hhhhhhhnnnnnggggggg why does everybody like her so much?
What is your problem? Your items didn't sell for as much as you thought and you had to pay a commission on top of that? Is that what you're pissed about? Next time sell it yourself, that's the attraction of an auction, to get something below "normal" prices. The other side is when 2 people get caught up in the moment and overpay. You can't have it both ways.
She doesn't even play anymore and the haters still can't contain themselves. Like her playing style or don't, IDC, but don't take something good like being trustworthy and try to twist it into something bad. There's no excuse or ulterior motive for showing a consistent pattern of being honest, you just are or you aren't.

Logic seldom need ever apply to trolls.

As far as I'm concerned there is nothing CPC can't do without some moron criticizing or turning it negative
CPC is honest / that's because she wants your $
CPC made a price check/ she is trying control the market
CPC has alot friends/ she is an attention whore
CPC won land battle tournament/ she cheated she keeps moving
CPC auctions are fun/ no its spam we hate them or things get sold for too much or too little
CPC made alot of money/ thats because she is lazy and found a way to suck the money from players
See she can't do anything without being criticized. Its time to let the CPC hate go seriously its getting pathetic now watching you spin everything she does

everybody sells for profit, any person in the community that doesn't sell for profit might as well quit now. anybody that passes up a bargain n does not resell for profit quit now. anybody that buys trade goods from market n does not resell for profit even to npc quit now.
anybody that trolls a reseller is a damn hipocrit because the trade part of the game in any form is about reselling its called being a MERCHANT

i wish all you damn trolls who troll resellers etc would leave you IGN
i wasn't going to threaten you or anything , it would be good to list your IGN here so everybody who sells for profit in game can ignore your "pm" and therefore avoid upsetting you...
unfortunately you will not list your IGN because your game would spiral downhill very quickly wouldn't it.
OUTCAST Adventurer-Merchant-Maritimer-Pirate and Re-seller if the price is right.

everybody that runs a 24/7 alt in seville instead of taking the game for fun, please quit now. "huurrr durr but keep in seville trading is my fun"... If trading is you fun, get money and go trade stocks..

hmm i just seen a player pirate(Armie) in Seville '/shout' to name another player(LeoFerrari) a re-seller.
within minutes:
(Armie) then went and purchased 8x Admiral's cabin at 2m each from a bazaar and put them in own bazaar at 12m each...
Armie = Troll and a Re-Seller ...

Meng Meng
you guys are generalizing the term 'reseller' too much. what ppl call reseller are the someone who try to lowball items price and trying to resell them at much higher price than normal. buying cheap stuff from bazaar and selling them at normal price is called being smart.

well if u selling admiral's cabin for 2m , im sorry , but u're dumb , your brain is useless

Look Seville bazaars (and London) are a game within the game. Finding something in a bazaar extremely cheap is part of the fun of it. Whether you use it or sell it for more all part of that game. Hustling players out of gear for 1/2 to 1/10 the nominal price is an entirely different animal, and you should not lump the two together.

how to get this

WTS 16 10m each leave ign will pm u

WTB These @ 5m Each , Need many. IGN: Zeyrion

3x for 2USD... so base price should round between 20-30m ea

ive been selling these for 15m. Ive still got 3 left if anyone needs em. could do 40m on 3. If I don't sell them, no biggie, ill just use them or sell them to others. PM me in game, TurdFergusen

CPC, you boricua maricon, since you are an hombre pretending to be a girl in game, are you a maricon in real life too? I bet your a tranny who sells his hairy ass for money under the male escort section of backpage? You probably live in the shittiest part of Queens like Jamaica. Nigga bitch. Go cry to your buddy GM Rukaede and get me banned maricon! Fuuuuuuck YOU

Please update current price!?

Please update current price!?

Please update current price!?

I have a question. Does this also reset the plenty after 5 nanban trades in a 24 hour period?

no afraid not

Li Yue
Hernan is correct. It just simply allows you to skip porting hopping for another go at Nanban Trade and nothing more.

Li Yue
port hopping*

CPC is trustworthy.. but apparently alot of dick head scammers in seville has interest to discredit her since they boost price and she is real and honest making them look like ass hole... for what they really are.

who the fuck here mentioned CPC? who the fuck cares? enough with the CPC shit! take it somewhere else please

CPC is mentioned all over ivyro, CPC talked about all over the forums, CPC talked about all the time in the GAMA. CPC is like the biggest name in GAMA unbelievable is all I can say.

Because CPC bitches hard when anybody say anything about her, unlike some men just rather ignore trolls. Her overreaction causes all the mess.

^ true that , CPC is a bitch who cares about herself too much , always think she's right , and other are wrong , without even test it herself , gosh atleast that was ingame , shhh she even think she knows everybody , im wondering if she can be as annoying in reallife as in game , all i can say is , if she quit , i'd love to play the game again
How much are these worth atm?
@Erda-everybody that runs a 24/7 alt in seville instead of taking the game for fun, please quit now. "huurrr durr but keep in seville trading is my fun"... If trading is you fun, get money and go trade stocks..
quite agree with you and i can't refuse too that i can't stay in seville more than 10 mins without seeing sea. well this game not design for sitting in seville and seville have not so much area it's still have adventure and maritime things to do too.maybe next update OGP might sells magic carpet[50%more people visit bazaar] for you... :p
WTS New Nanban Permit Bill X245 4m EA
Pm me >> benjy20x
thanks! :D
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