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  • Lost Ancient Celestial Globe
    A celestial globe believed to
    have been used in ancient time.
    It will show the path to the
    'vanishing continent' upon use.


    When used in a city (any city will work except inland ones) this item will allow you to return to Atlantis at any time, as often as you'd like so long as you have more than one LACG in your possession for each successive trip. But the following restrictions apply:

    1. Atlantis must actually be available to visit in the game. It isn't always around and if that's the case, this item can't help you.
    2. You must have discovered Acropolis of Atlantis.
    3. You must have visited it in person by Solar Barge for the week. Atlantis moves weekly at 10AM PapayaPlay time on Monday at which point you must rebuild the Barge and this item will not work until you've done so and revisited Atlantis.
    4. While in Atlantis under its effect, you cannot exchange with other players or use bazaars (opening them, buying from them). This is reasonable.
    5. This item has been modified as of 6/26/19 to no longer function if you have trade goods in your ship's cargo. This is less reasonable and will hurt Ancient Technology Research quest progression, particularly for smaller nations with few players able to run Ancient Technology IQs.

    I'm personally against this change and will submit a ticket politely saying so, but this alteration was to be expected as it already happened in KOEI's Japanese (and likely other EA servers) pay-for servers, so the chances of it being adjusted back to how it once was for free-play Maris is very unlikely.

    That aside, these items are generally obtained as a reward for completing Ancient Technology Research quests and may also randomly be obtained from the reward items you receive from your nation's secretary for doing such quests.


    I just tried it and yeah... it wont let you leave to visit Atlantis with trade goods on board when using this. I got the dreaded "You cannot use Lost Ancient Celestial Globe with trade goods onboard. This would have no effect if used now. Use cancelled." message. Im guessing KOEI did this to close a possible loophole of players dropping, say, valuable goods in Atlantis when going from EA or some other far away place, and then having another player or alt use search to pick it up from Europe (nevermind that would probably be a lot faster just to sail back then to wait for the goods to "appear"!). Or maybe it's to encourage players to develop the Barge more rather then relying on this to get to Atlantis. Who knows?

    One thing to note that this restriction does not apply vice versa when leaving Atlantis to get back to whatever port you came from. So you can still access
    The labyrinth and keep the trade goods you get from it, or even after using search to pick up trade goods that other players dropped.

    Thanks for the new info. I agree that maybe this nerf shouldn't have happened on this server as 1)the rewards were nerfed so not as rewarding to farm and 2) less population.

    But i do agree with the nerf on Japanese server because this globe made it very very easy to farm ancient tech and they had very good rewards for it.

    Good news: in JP-UWO, they solved the (alleged) problem mentioned by CA BlakeC above by the launch of Chapter 3: Cetus as the JP devs "have made changes such as "Unable to obtain discarded items in Acropolis" and the function of this item will be "restored to the state before Chapter 2 Colossus."

    In other words.... Ancient Tech Research and using globes to transport trade goods directly to Atlantis could one day be a thing for Maris again, too. As we got the globe nerf earlier than JP server, perhaps the fix enabling it to go back to its prior state will come earlier as well? Only time will tell. Cheers. And have fun sailing out to and from Australia (or some other far-off Atlantean spawn site) in the mean time. :P

    Source: www.gamecity.ne.jp/dol/topics_cms/delfin/12944.html

    I have some of these from when Atlantis was here earlier after game relaunch, I tried to use them and they do not show in use item list, also have Hot keyed it and still does not work, I have no cargo or provisions on board, I tried from in city and on the sea, Does not work :((
    Can someone explain why ? Any info would be helpful

    To the best of my knowledge, these items will only work if:

    A) You've done the three quests needed to build the Solar Barge for the week and used it during that same week to personally visit the Acropolis of Atlantis.
    B) You are inside a normal city (not inland ones like Paris, probably not discovery ones like Tenochtitlan, and not landing points or ocean/sea zones).
    C) You have no trade goods in your cargo. Hopefully this will one day be remedied for international players as it was for Japanese ones with Chapter 3's release (we're still waiting on Chapter 2).

    When Atlantis moves Monday at 10AM server time (PST/Pacific), these items become useless until you repeat Step A. And when Atlantis is removed from the game again for who knows how long come August 28th, they will stop functioning once again.

    But if you've done all of the above steps, I'm not sure what the problem could be -- either I missed something or it's a bug on your end. I hope you can find a solution soon. Cheers.

    I figured out how this works
    *It only takes you To Atlantis*
    This will not take you back to Home city, you Must sail home on ur own.
    Thx for the info Guilder

    Are we still unable to use this with trade goods onboard?

    Until Chapter 3 arrives, aye

    Which is a pity, given that we not only got the Globe nerf a few updates ahead of JP schedule, but we've gotten bug fixes in advance at times -- like the Leviathan crest being made color-custom on launch for Maris, which apparently took JP servers a few patches to implement. Oh well.

    While you will be able to bring TGs on board again in Chapter 3 using this, as a trade off, it appears you will no longer be able to use search skill to pick up discard items in Atlantis:


    (the article doesn't make it clear though if it applies ANYTIME while visiting Atlantis, or if it's just while using these)

    Sadly, I am informed this item's nerf is still in effect for the time being. I'll be sending a very kind and nicely worded support ticket to suggest they fix it soon.

    .... How did this end up in the latest sailor cove, anyway? Recycle it if you get it, pronto.

    I am told this item's nerf is finally fixed and you can once more use it to transport to Atlantis with trade goods in your cargo hold. (Finally!) Cheers, and happy Atlantis IQ spamming to you.

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