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  • Records of Sunken Ships
    A book compiling the maps
    showing the locations of sunken ships.
    A map of choice is acquired upon use.


    Item Name: Record of Sinking Ships
    A book compiling the maps showing the locations of sunken ships. A map of choice is acquired among:

    Shipwreck Map of the Ionian Sea / Shipwreck Map of the Gulf of Guinea / Shipwreck Map of the South Caribbean Sea / Shipwreck Map of the Gulf of Mexico / Shipwreck Map of India, West Coast / Shipwreck Map of Eastern East Asia / Shipwreck Map of the White Sea

    I can't comment on how they work in GAMA at present, but in Japan at least, the wreck you chose would yield a number of nice items, including the rare Astronomy +2 Seeker's Panja (blue) hand slot item in every wreck.

    Source: apple9999.blog73.fc2.com/blog-entry-728.html

    This item was given out to a few lucky Atlantis race winners in the past; it's now also been added in the recent Countdown to Summer Premium Bottle.

    Link: wiki.ogplanet.com/uwo/index.php?title=Countdown_to_Summer_Premium_Bottle

    Just a small FYI for those wondering about the item's usefulness. Time will tell whether or not the wreck loot was altered for GAMA, though since it's a bottle item, I'm hoping it wasn't. Cheers.

    Well, with a bit of help, I dredged up the Shipwreck of the White Sea and got the following:

    Pegasus Feathers x2
    Shipwreck Map Piece x6
    Veil of Ofanims x3 (non-tradeable)
    Wind God's Charm x3 (non-tradeable)
    Seeker's Panja x1 (+2 Archaeology/Astronomy, Theology+1 hand item)
    132m in 1m checks
    Javanese Batik and Jade trade goods x100+

    So these wreck's items are actually pretty good, but nothing you'd want to overpay for, either. Cheers!

    I just spent $50 on the bottle trying to get this with no luck, so it's a bit of a rare drop. Wish there was an easier way to get this heh.

    Back in GAMA, it used to give lots and lots of Check (1 million㌦). It was fun to use the 1m checks as gag gifts. Those couldn't be cashed at the bank.

    Nowadays, those are replaced with Check (10 million㌦) with significantly less quantities (usually 1-5).

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