Yes it will be permanent. But it's treated exactly the same like any other inherited skill: It will be overwritten if the same item is used again or when inheriting a skill from the Aide who went on to be a Petty Officer. And the same restrictions apply as well.
Where can we obtain this? Its from CT or Cove? Can't see anywhere.
This item is UWC-only and occasionally becomes available for sale in the UWO Pop-up Shop (accessed from the UWO website); it can be traded between players. When used it can permanently teach an aide all of the following skills:
Adventure, Trade, Battle, Language (IE, any skill you the player can learn including Detonics; as you know, aides give +1 to any non-language skill you have acquired) (Aide-Only skills) (Aide Captain Land Battle skills; the game also recognizes them as 'Aide-Only' skills when using this item)
However, a few restrictions apply. In addition to BlakeC's comment:
- If your aides levels are 50 or higher, there will be more support skills that can be taught.
- Depending on the aide, there are some skills that cannot be taught even though they have a higher level.
- You cannot teach skills that the aide already has, or battle type skills.
- After the skill is taught, by using the item "Captain's Secret Notes" again you will be able to change it to another skill.
- Green-outlined land battle skills such as
Food Supplies and
Attack Mode seem to be impossible for aides to learn/inherit through any means.
If you have a specific aide you would like to investigate, consider sending a support ticket to PapayaPlay; they were kind enough to provide much of the above information and suggested it would be possible to investigate specific aides if requested.
Cheers, and great online voyaging to you all.
It's in the Pop up shop right now, until Sept 21st.
Oh, found it. So, it's not permanent. We have a 30 days version of it.