Ancient Attack Stratagem
Rank:5 Needed Gauge:100 Re-cast Time:600

Lu Yue
Where can I get these?

Mei Hua
Bazaar price?

Okay pay attention dungeon dwellers. Basically, if it's not a purchase order, colored ore, seal of sorcery/salamander/undine/etc., or ESBT, it's basically junk and best sold to npc item market.
I know you are getting a ton of these, so is everybody else, if you don't find them useful then chances are very great nobody else does either.
This item is obtained from treasure chests in the Azuchi Castle dungeon, on pretty much every floor. They can also be found in B14 chests of Giza Pyramid dungeon lower floor, and are (apparently) sometimes obtained for clearing the dungeon boss floor as well.
Source: (you may refer to the appropriate dungeon from that link as desired)
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