
where is this fleet that i need to plunder

U need to plund the Viking fleet

Mei Hua
ambush by Viking fleet in the gulf of Bothnia. There are 2 kinds, 1 fleet gives loki's goblet and viking crest, the other this armour and mcts.

Wich Rank needed to Plunder them?

confirm, ambush by Viking fleet(1 ship) in the gulf of Bothnia. it drops armour and mcts.
Slightly more detailed information on this MA item armor can be found here:
I would also note that I encountered the target fleet a ways north of the Baltic Sea port of Kokkola, located in the Gulf of Bothnia area. I encountered more than one enemy ship, but I was in a fleet of three. Didn't take long to plunder the armor; their ships are a bit speedy, so be sure yours can chase them down as well.
WTS uwo acc
lvl 65/73/70 spanish character
almoust all battle skills max
SB skill r19
pm skype sinaj91
got casting alt max casting firearms trade r14
As seen on the OGPlanet guidelines page (ogplanet.com/support/guidelines.og):
"Cash Transactions - Account Banned"
Unlike many other offenses listed on the page, the ban is handed out on the very first offense. Also, to quote OGP GM from the last time gold sellers went spamming about town:
We are currently conducting large-scale investigation on the gold sellers who are spamming the channel chat in-game. We will make sure the spammers & illegal sellers get banned permanently.
Please note that buying or selling items or gold contravenes our Terms of Service, and will result in a permanent ban.
Also, items/ boxes from illegal sellers may not work properly, and if an item is not registered in our database, we cannot fix the problem.
Therefore, DO NOT visit any suspicious websites, or give any account details to other players. They are simply looking to steal & abuse your account and credit information – this is commonly referred to as ‘phishing’. A few of users have already contacted our billing team regarding the issues. Often, lost accounts and/or items cannot be recovered, so please safeguard your account & credit info.
We are working closely with the developers to accelerate the investigation and implement prevention. In the meantime, please be careful of phishing sites, and let other players know this warning message so that no more players get scammed.
Source (OGPlanet login required): nforum.ogplanet.com/uwo/forum_posts.asp?TID=578979
Bottom line: USD is not to be trusted. Earn money in the game by purchasing astros/astro shop items, then selling them for ducats to your fellow players. There's little point in purchasing an account which may have been stolen, and which could be banned/deleted permanently for dealing with USD in direct violation of OGP rules.
lol i dear u ban me noobs if u can
Would be great if you used proper English.
WTS uwo acc
lvl 65/73/70 spanish character
almoust all battle skills max
SB skill r19
pm skype sinaj91
got casting alt max casting firearms trade r14
comes with ambush victoria full mod on it
- SB is easy to grind these days with the help of Oxford skill.
- It's even more easy to grind Casting and Firearms...
- Character isn't even 85/85/85
Not even worth buying accounts when you know how to grind skills up legally in a short period of time. Only lazy people will buy and regret eventually. All good players have worked their a** off to achieved high levels and skill ranks on their own. You can be a max Maritimer level and skills, but if you can't battle well, you might as well be a Barca killer instead. The only two things in life we can never buy is "Experience" and "Knowledge". Why illegally buy accounts and risk real owners claiming back their account afterwards?
For newbies and Low level/skill rank players surfing this UWO wiki site, there are many high level good and helpful players in this game. Do not be afraid to shout out in Seville Market chat or World chat. There are good players like me who are willing to spend time helping newbies out. I am always in Seville doing business. You can always hook up with me if you see me around. You don't need to resort to illegal activities.
Very well said. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
well mybe prob why u so salty is bc u are poor in RL and cant buy food
other people prefet to spend few bucks insted of waiting time to grind all skills
to usd, what a fking douche bag. if you don't know what that is ask your mom
so ther it it we figure why u so salty bc u are soo poor in RL and it herts
to u that other people can just pay some cash and get all what u been working for
just bc u are pooor get a job go clean streets noob
Now I'm positive you're looking for attention more than people to rip off. They're a perk to your job, if anything.
Those who cannot afford basic human needs often resolve to shady (and/or worse) ways of getting a few bucks.
He said in-game that he just had returned to the game after 2 years absence. We can't do much to prevent his spam here on Ivyro, best we can do is ignore him, post the warning message of possible perma-ban after his post and the rest just ignore or we will flood the site with useless posts.
This comments tell me this is a scammer family. Idar kantemir Fanky' Islam adelinka ayanad itsme these are all names they use in game they also have hacked accounts as well. pure pond scum
So I can assume USD has a decent job with a decent real life wages. But then as a working person, surely your decent wages would have covered your luxury right? And SURELY, you need not have to resort to illegal UWO account sale. Suspicious isn't it? If you are self sufficient, why do you need to sell the UWO account?
Definitely you must have thought this through right? It's not difficult to figure out the authenticity of your claims isn't it?
Plus, for several grammar and spelling issues, which real life corporate office hired you lol. I also want to work in your company that hires bad English but decent pay LOL! I am a German, came from 0% English speaking background, worked my a** off to be well educated.
I have been playing UWO since 2012 Tierra Americana age during NetMarble era. I also sell astro items for ducats quite often too. 5 years of Astros investment, definitely more than how much you would bargain for that UWO account mate.
Fyi, I am a German who came from a 0% English speaking environment. And I am surprised flawed English can have decent job decent wages. PyPlease tell me what Company you are working at XD I want to recommend my German friend a job in real life. Haha
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