大航海時代 DB

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      기한 없음
      포르토벨로 상인조합
      I've got a job for you here from a person living in Veracruz. Says he needs some weapons delivered. 20 Throwing Torches to be exact. Hmm... that's odd. This being handled in Veracruz as well... Ah well, I suppose there's a reason for it. We don't know who the actual client is but the request should be done. Try to search for the client around that town. Good luck.

                    Get 20 Thowing Torches in Portobelo and bring to Veracruz

                    베라크루스 talk to Resident in front of bank

                    아스텍이라는 존재

                    Cuauhtemoc and Tenoch
                    You delivered 20 Throwing Torches to the man in Vera-cruz. But that's not the real aim of the quest. I want you to find out about Cuauhtemoc's companion, Tenoch. Maybe you'll learn something about Cauahtemoc's past...
                    Warleader's past
                    I learnt about the past of the warrior chiefs Tenoch and Cuauhtemoc. Tenoch sacrificed himself to the gods. He entrusted Cuauhtemoc with the Empire and Xochitl...
                    Wishes that Cuauhtemoc inherited
                    I learnt about their past from an old Aztec warrior. Tenoch sacrificed himself to protect the Empire. Cuauhtemoc, following Tenoch's dying wish, resolved to save the Empire. It was then that I promised to fight against Cortes.


                    경험치:20, 명성:8

                    next quest inline is called "Puppet Insurrection" from portobelo martimer med

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