大航海時代 DB

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      꿈인가 현실인가
      기한 없음
      캘리컷 모험가조합
      You found out for me about a mysteriously patterned bird before..I have another job that can only be done by someone like you.
      This strange request is from the town official of faraway Dili.He would like you to find out about a bird that lives in heaven.I'm sure that he doesn't want you to actually go to heaven to find out about this bird...Go ask him for details.

                1. In 딜리 speak with City Official 7x
                2. Land at 뉴기니 섬 남해안 walk to Flowers:Red, use Observe, use Ecological Research.


                *Not editing the name above name since he's the first provider of this info.

                하늘을 나는 생물 4 6 1 호랑나비
                기묘한 무늬 8 10 1 얼룩명주나비
                Real or a dream? 웨이스키보석나비

                Truth within dreams
                You came here because you accepted the job,right?What I'm about to tell you,I don't know myself whether it's true or not.You could probably just leave it as some fantasy dreamed up by a man who wandered the forest for several days.But those butterflies that appear in his story have really tugged at my heart...

                The man who washed ashore
                One day,a man washed ashore here.His cheeks were emaciated as his clothes were ripped apart.He said he got lost on the island to the east.After he regained his strength a few days later,he told me something very strange that happened in the forest there.
                TO ensure that you can conduct a precise investigation,I'll tell you in the exact way he spoke to me...

                Nothing can be done
                "We went to that island to investigate something.But,due to a small mistake ,three of us got separated from the main party.We reached the end of our food and water supply and wandered through the forest for several days.A short while thereafter,one of us died.And,two days later,another of my comrades passed on.Next,it would be me.."

                Bundle of light
                "At some moment,I lost consciousness and collapsed.When I came to,I was struck by a terrible thirst and hunger.I thought so be it if I never open my eyes again.
                But then...I saw a fluttering band of light over my head.I thought I had reached the promised land,but neither my thirst nor my hunger would subside..."

                At the limit of wandering
                "I wanted to just remain there with my eyes closed,but for some strange reason,I got up and followed the light with great desperation.There's no telling how long I walked...The light reached to a place where there was water and also nuts.It was like my salvation...
                While I was waiting there for my strength to return,I realized what that light was..."

                Life saving light
                "It was a flock of butterflies with beautiful spots on their wings.I understood then that I mistook their fantastic spots fora light.From there,they flew off at a considerable speed.Despite my disheveled state,I managed to follow after them closely.As it turned out,it was those butterflies who saved my life..."

                Hidden power
                And that is all he told me.Perhaps they didn't save his life by design,but those butterflies must have some kind of secret power.
                The place where you need to go is due east of this town.I hope you can carry out this investigation successfully.

                The butterflies that saved the man's life apparently have fantastically colored spots that could even be mistaken for a heavenly light.
                Disembark at the land due east of Dili and look for them.

                  • 발견물
                  • 웨이스키보석나비 ★★★★★★ (곤충) 경험치:1040 명성:400
                    뉴기니에 서식하는 아름다운 나비. 보석과 같이 빛나는 날개가 있으며,하늘에서 떼를 지어 재빠르게 날아 다닌다.

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