大航海時代 DB

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      아름다운 목소리의 주인
      기한 없음
      자카르타 모험가조합
      There is a request to find a bird from the wife of a certain influential figure. They keep hearing the beautiful voice of a bird and would like to keep one. You just need to find where they live. That's easy, right? The requester's subordinate is in Edo, so talk to them about the details.

                      1. 에도 - Talk to Date Clan Servant (in front of 영주 저택 )
                      2. 에도 - Talk to Resident (Behind town official building)
                      3. 에도 - Talk to Gatekeeper
                      4. 사카이 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                      5. 사카이 저택 - Talk to Wanderer (opposite Tavern Keeper)
                      6. 사카이 저택 - Use 관찰 and 생태 조사 near Pointed Boulder

                      A Chirp You're Happy to Hear
                      Every spring, I hear the lovely cry of a bird. It's like---well I can't really describe it, but it sounds like the Lotus Sutra to me. But I have no idea what kind of bird it is that makes that sound. So can you ask around Edo and see if you can come up with something? You'll do it, right?

                      Bird that Lands on Plum Trees
                      A bird that sounds like the Lotus Sutra? Ah, you're talking about that little green bird. It loves the nectar from the flowers, and I frequently see it near plum trees come spring. I don't know why, but it doesn't make its cry when someone's watching it. You can find that bird on the outskirts of town if you're interested.

                      The Master of the Voice
                      Huh? You're looking for a bird whose cry is the Lotus Sutra? That's strange. The green bird that rests on the plum tree doesn't make that sound. The monk that came through here a while back said that the bird with the Lotus Sutra was fairly plain. Ask the scholar at Sakai if you want to check.

                      Unseen, Only Heard
                      The Lotus Sutra bird is not green. The green bird is called a mojito. But there are certainly a lot of people who confuse the two. The Lotus Sutra bird is very wary and doesn't show itself often. I've never seen it myself. But travelers have been said to come across it on the mountain paths.

                      Brown Bird Only Seen Once
                      The bird with a cry that sounds like the Lotus Sutra? I've seen it only once. It was small, with a simple brown color and was singing loudly. It might still be in that area. Still it's looks may just disappoint you. Or maybe relieve you?

                      Plain Figure and Elegant Voice
                      Apparently this Lotus Sutra bird is frequently mistaken for that little green bird. The true bird is a dark brown. If we point out ship east from Sakai, we'll reach a landing spot. Landing there we find the pointed rock and search that area. It is said to be very wary, so we will have to approach with caution.


                      FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717


                        • 발견물
                        • 휘파람새 ★★★★ (조류) 경험치:620 명성:258
                          동아시아에 분포하는 작은 새. 봄에서 여름에 걸쳐 매력적인 울음소리를 내기 때문에 봄을 알리는 새라고도 부른다.
                          목소리는 아름답지만 깃털 색은 수수하다. 경계심이 강하기 때문에 모습을 좀처럼 드러내지 않는다.

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