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임시 대피소에도 정령력의 원천 데이터가 있습니다 바로가기

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      정령력의 원천
      기한 없음
      리우데자네이루 모험가조합
      The town official is looking for you! It seems that he has something he wants to talk to you about the statues of Rapa Nui. You spoke a long time with the town official about your Rapa Nui investigation before, right? The town official seems to be somewhat obsessed with that island right now... Well, if you have some free time why not give him a listen?

                                        선인의 발자취 6 8 1 반디멘스랜드
                                        섬과 육지와의 사이에 5 7 1 배스 해협
                                        기암의 섬 3 5 1 캥거루 섬
                                        길고 하얀 구름 6 8 1 아오테아로아
                                        전설의 카누 11 13 11 전설의 카누
                                        쿠페의 목창 9 11 9 쿠페의 목창
                                        태고의 무용 3 5 1 포이
                                        다 쓰여지지 않은 지도 플랜티만

                                        엘패소 9 11 1 마젤란 해협 Could have been done when unlocking level 60 adv
                                        마르 파시피코 9 11 1 태평양
                                        여행의 끝 10 12 1 세부 섬
                                        태평양의 끝 6 8 1 괌 섬
                                        제2의 세계일주 8 10 1 드레이크 해협
                                        태평양 횡단 항로계획 4 6 1 팔라우 제도

                                        열도 횡단 항로 4 6 1 대순다 열도
                                        열도에서 더 동쪽으로 4 6 1 소순다 열도
                                        열도의 동쪽 끝부분 5 7 1 티모르 섬
                                        다 쓰여지지 않은 지도 아라푸라 해
                                        다 쓰여지지 않은 지도 반다 해
                                        태양이 떠오르는 곳 6 8 1 뉴기니 섬
                                        또 하나의 항로 5 7 1 바누아투
                                        제2보급항후보지의 선정 4 6 1 피지제도
                                        피지제도의 근해조사 2 4 코로 해

                                        영원한 땅 7 9 1 타히티 섬
                                        신이 던진 바위 5 7 1 사모아 제도
                                        별을 보는 섬 8 10 1 라파누이
                                        하와이키를 찾아서 5 7 1 라노라라쿠
                                        태양이 잠드는 저편에 10 12 아후아키비의 모아이
                                        전설의 입증 9 11 9 하우마카의 지팡이
                                        아득한 하와이키 10 12 1 마르키즈 제도
                                        라파누이의 조인 9 11 1 조인의 그림
                                        라노라라쿠의 조사 4 6 호츠아츠아왕의 모아이
                                        라노라라쿠상의 조사 4 6 아후통가리키의 모아이

                                        고대신의 부활 4 6 1 마케마케 상
                                        Currently here

                                        OK after done that you also unlock alot of other pre quest For example

                                        AFTER YOU DONE
                                        태양이 떠오르는 곳 6 8 1 뉴기니 섬
                                        IT WILL LEADS TO YOU SERIES OF PRE QUEST THAT YOU CAN DO

                                        다 쓰여지지 않은 지도 첸드라와시 만
                                        다 쓰여지지 않은 지도 베라우 만
                                        다 쓰여지지 않은 지도 비스마크 제도
                                        뉴기니 섬에 사는 사람들 8 10 8 바히네모전사의 방패 Unlock this Quest chain Leads to 아벨람민족의 장신구
                                        알려지지 않은 섬 4 6 1 누벨칼레도니 섬
                                        뉴기니 섬 동쪽 해역조사 4 6 1 솔로몬 해 (leads to 뉴브리튼 섬 )
                                        뉴기니의 정령신앙 7 9 7 정령상 (leads to 정령 상실 )

                                        City Official ( 리우데자네이루 ) 4x
                                        Red Flowers ( 라파누이 오지 )
                                        Large Boulder ( 라파누이 오지 )
                                        Stacked Boulder ( 라파누이 오지 )
                                        Diagonal Boulder ( 라파누이 오지 )
                                        Stacked Boulder ( 라파누이 오지 )
                                        Discovery [Mana] ( 라파누이 오지 )

                                        I'm actually still putting a report together concerning that island , as best I can. Those statues are called Moai, which apparently means "to live the future". From this meaning I believed they were made either for the glory of their descendents or in worship of their departed ancestors, but I still didn't understand what those statues represented or why they were carved.

                                        A number of different people live on the island, each at odds with the others. It appears that those in control of the island ordered those under their control to make the Moai, but a large scale revolt was staged and many of the statues were toppled. That's what i found strange. What was the significance of tearing down the statues?

                                        Perhaps it was simply anger, but I had another idea. That perhaps they were attempting to throw off the shackles of their oppressors by tearing down the statues. If the Moai are physical representations of the gods or spirits that the people believe in, and the source of their power, then destroying them would be an effective way to weaken that power.

                                        ...However, that is all just personal supposition. I want you to go to the island again and investigate further exactly what the Moai are. My theories are all starting to make sense... maybe I should become a scholar full time?

                                        ...Many of the Moai were knocked down onto their faces. Some were lying face up but with white stones scattered around them. What could that signify...? There were both large and small chunks of stone, and from their rough surface I believe they were fragments of something else...

                                        ...After investigating the face-down Moai, I glimpsed numerous islanders on my way back here. They fled as soon as they saw me. Was it me they were scared of? Or could it have been the white stones that I found scattered around the face-down Moai, some of which I carried back with me?

                                        ...There is a face-down Moai in that direction. Beneath its massive bulk, as though hidden, I found an elliptical arrangement of white stones with a circular red stone buried in the middle. An eye perhaps...? It was warm to the touch, but as soon as I did so it crumbled away. Just what was it made from?

                                        ...At the spot with the eye-like stone, an islander whom I presume to be some sort of chieftain got very angry with me. Perhaps that was something that outsiders are not allowed to touch... Or maybe his anger was due to the stone being destroyed. I'm becoming more and more convinced that the stone was a Moai eye.

                                        ...Do the spirits on the island dwell within the eyes of the Moai? Many of the statues face toward the interior of the island. It would make sense that this is to be concentrate the power of the spirits within their eyes. Then the oppressed people knocked the statues over, removed their eyes and even smashed some of them up in order to weaken their power and defeat their oppressors.

                                        The town official was not entirely off the mark. The Moai are indeed the source of elemental power, with the power of elementals infused in their eyes. However, the islanders don't look favorably on outsiders investigating their island. It would be nice to carry some of the stones back but simply touching them can cause the to crumble, so just finish the investigation as soon as possible.

                                        Rapa Nui Interior

                                          • 발견물
                                          • 마나 ★★★★★★★ (보물) 경험치:1209 명성:465
                                            마나란 신이나 정령의 힘. 이 돌은 그 존재를 섬주민도 입에 올리는 것을 피해 왔을 정도로 굉장히 강한 마나의 힘을 감추고 있는 것 같다. 돌에 손을 대면 조금 따뜻하고 손 댄 곳에서부터 소리도 내지 않고 부스러진다. 인간에게는 침범하기 어려운 존재인 것 일까.

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                                            정령력의 원천 99994996

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