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      베네치아 모험가조합
      This is a request from a Lady of the Nobility. Looking at all of the pictures of elephants has left her really disappointed, so she wants to know what a real elephant looks like.
      I guess that's a reasonable request. Anyway, go and ask the Lady directly.

                  1. 베네치아 - Talk to Noble Housewife (Beside the square)
                  2. 베네치아 - Talk to Aristocrat (Beside the sqaure)
                  3. 베네치아 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                  4. 나폴리 서고 - Talk to Scholar x2

                  The form of an elephant
                  환상의 코끼리 1 1 5
                  아프리카 초록 숲 1 1 7
                  아프리카 코끼리의 탐색 5 7 1 아프리카코끼리
                  왕과 코끼리 1 1 7
                  인도의 코끼리 조련사 4 6 1 상아피리

                  What is a real elephant?
                  Are you here for the job? My daughter saw a painting of an elephant and keeps saying that it's not how elephants are supposed to look and that they are supposed to be cuter than that. I heard elephants have a long nose and big ears, but I've never seen one myself... Could you find out what they really look like for me?

                  Are pigs and elephants the same?
                  Elephants have big ears and a long nose, but they're actually very nice and cute animals despite being so big, aren't they? In the painting I saw the elephant had a nose only slightly longer than a pig's and ears like a dog. It wasn't cute at all! Are elephants actually pigs? I hope not!

                  The elephant of Tarentum
                  Elephants, eh? Hmm, I don't have any idea what they're like either. I do know that there used to be elephants on the Italian Peninsula a long time ago though. There's records that show how the Romans used armoured elephants for fighting and in Ancient Rome they had quite a few elephants for arena fighting. I'm sure you could find out more in Naples.

                  The bull of Laconia
                  People find a lot of old plates with paintings of elephants on them around here. Back then, during the Battle of Tarentum the Greek King Pyrhhos brought with him 26 bulls from Laconia to the battle and defeated the Romans.
                  The drawings on these plates might represent the elephants that fought in that battle.

                  An elephant going into battle
                  This is one of those plates. As you can see it has a long nose, tusks, and its ears are as big as its head. It looks like a soldier is riding on its back. Looking at this it seems completely different from the elephant in the painting you just showed me. I suppose it's wide and stout body isn't so different from a pig's but still...

                  An elephant and a pig
                  The paintings of elephants you see these days depict an animal with a nose slightly longer than that of a pig's and ears like that of a dog's. But, it seems as though actual elephants do not look like this at all.
                  On a plate painted with a picture of an elephant that is said were common long ago on the Italian Peninsula its nose was long and had ears as large as its head, and a soldier was riding on its back.

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