임시 대피소에도 니벨룽겐의 노래 데이터가 있습니다
니벨룽겐의 노래
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암스테르담 모험가조합
You seem to have largely come to understand the history of the Germans.
Next look into the German legends where the Balmung appear.
A place where the German legends are still known is the Baltic Sea Coast.
So, how about investigating in Copenhagen?
1. Copenhagen talk to barkeeper (2x)
2. Amsterdam talk to barkeeper
3. talk to city youth (2x)
the questtitle is wrong!! It should be Song of the nibelungs
and is the second quest from the Balmung questchain
I got the quest The Rhine gold in Amsterdam and don't know if it's available anywhere else or if this quest is really part of the Balmung chain but it does reference it.
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