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        니벨룽겐의 노래
        기한 없음
        암스테르담 모험가조합
        You seem to have largely come to understand the history of the Germans.
        Next look into the German legends where the Balmung appear.
        A place where the German legends are still known is the Baltic Sea Coast.
        So, how about investigating in Copenhagen?


                              1. 코펜하겐 - Barkeep; Talk to (x2)
                              3. 암스테르담 - Barkeep; Talk to
                              4. 암스테르담 - City Youth; Talk to (x2) (North of the item shop)

                              게르만인의 발자취 1 1 3
                              Song of Nibelungs
                              복수의 결말 1 1
                              성검의 행방 1 1 1
                              발뭉 11 13 11 발뭉

                              1. Treasure from the misty land
                              This is one of the original lands of the Germanic peoples, home to a Germanic tribe called the Danes. There are a lot of legends involving them. One of the most famou ones, "The Song of the Nibelungs", involves a hero names Siegfried. Nibelungs is the name of an object referred to as the "rheingold" and also of the trbe that lives in the land of the mist, Niflheim.

                              2. Gold and the holy sword
                              Siegfried is a descendent of Odin and is the crown prince of Xanten. One day he steals a magical sword and gold from the Nibelungs. That gold turns out to be the "rheinsgold" and the magical sword is actually the holy blade "Balmung". Of particular interest was that a ring made from that gold would grants its wearer the power to conquer the entire world.

                              3. Siegfried
                              Siegfried hears rumours about the king of Bugundy's younger sister Kriemhilt and so he goes off to visit the capital of the kingdom, Bormes. After Siegfried helps out in a battle agains the Saxons the king promises that he will allow him to marry his ister if he will help him marry queen of Iceland, Brunhild.

                              4. The queen of Ireland
                              Siegfried then travels to Iceland and helped the king propose to Brunhild. This allowed Siegfried to eventually be able to marry Kriemhilt. However, a vassal named Hagen desperately wanted Siegfried's "rheingold" and was secretly planning to kill him in order to take in from him...

                              5. The rles of revenge
                              While Siegfried was out hunting he is killed by Hagen and he hides the gold in the Rhine. Upen Hearing of he husban'ds death Kriemhilt vows to get revenge. This is most likely due to the custom of the northern Germanic people in which if someone does something cruel to you must get revenge on them.

                              Tip: Quest appeared to me with no lang at all.

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                                  니벨룽겐의 노래 99993628

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