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            아프리카 코끼리의 탐색
            기한 없음
            세비야 모험가조합
            Based on that story from before, it shouldn't be too hard to find an elephant.
            And wouldn't it be more convincing to actually see it in person? If you're not sure, then why not verify the location with the Scholar in Alexandria? It seems the aforementioned client will be willing to make a contribution.

                          1. 알렉산드리아 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                          2. 아프리카 기니 만 북쪽 - Search near the white flowers

                          코끼리의 모습 1
                          환상의 코끼리 1 1 5
                          아프리카 초록 숲 1 1 7
                          Currently here.
                          왕과 코끼리 1 1 7
                          인도의 코끼리 조련사 4 6 1 상아피리
                          인도의 코끼리 5 7 1 인도코끼리

                          Habitat of the elephant
                          Off to seen an elephant, is it? In that case, you'd do well to disembark along the coast of the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa. I've head that it's a very easy-to-panic creature, so if you don't exercise due care in your search, you're unlikely to come across one. Best place to start is probably the area where all the white flowers grow.

                          African elephant
                          For elephant sightings, they say a good place to disembark is east of West Africa's Gulf of Guinea and Saint-Georges. Be sure not to neglets preparations for the outing. Seems elephants tend to inhabit inland areas of Africa. Upon disembarking, search out the area where the white flowers are in bloom.

                          의뢰 알선서


                          FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

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