大航海時代 DB

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레시피 교역품
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직업 부관 장비품


    • 이름 없는 항해자
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    • 장방형이지만 역풍에강하다 ㅡㅡ; ( 00601600 )
    • 이름 없는 항해자
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    • 세로 가로 90까지 강화됩니다. ( 50000001 )
    • 이름 없는 항해자
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    • 후공일때만 발동이던데, 그럼 수탈방지도 후공일때만 발동인가요?? ( 30002128 )
    • 이름 없는 항해자
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    • 65564 ( 50000198 )
    • 이름 없는 항해자
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    • 65594 ( 50000079 )
    • 이름 없는 항해자
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    • 상대스 풀적업 적재(개조해서 창고로 다 투자할 경우):723,상클 726 딱 3 차이네도 ㄷㄷ.. ( 50000119 )
    • 이름 없는 항해자
    • :
    • 상대스 풀적업 적재(개조해서 창고로 다 투자할 경우):723,상클 726 딱 3 차이네요 ㄷㄷ.. ( 50000119 )
    • 이름 없는 항해자
    • :
    • 음? 이거 베네꺼 아닌가요? 근데 왜 오스만 공용? ( 50000031 )
    • 이름 없는 항해자
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    • 65609 세로-5 선회15 내파11 ( 50000044 )
    • 강화증
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    • 강화증 팟할때 이 스킬 필수 ( 30000133 )
    • 이름 없는 항해자
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    • 안되니 쪽박 ( 30002100 )
    • 이름 없는 항해자
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    • The Turtle ship, also known as Geobukseon or Kobukson, was a type of large warship belonging to the Panokseon class in Korea that was used intermittently by the Royal Korean Navy during the Joseon Dynasty from the early 15th century up until the 19th century. The first references to older, first generation turtle ships come from 1413 and 1415 records in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty which mention a mock battle between a kobukson and a Japanese warship. However, these early turtle ships soon fell out of use as Korea’s naval preparedness decreased in a long period of relative peace. Turtle ships participated in numerous victories against Japanese naval forces that supported Toyotomi Hideyoshi's attempts to conquer Korea from 1592-1598, inflicting heavy losses. However, their historical role may have been exaggerated since the entire Korean fleet probably did not have more than half a dozen turtleboats in action at any one time". Korean admiral Yi Sun-sin is credited with designing the ship while one of his lieutenants, Na Dae Yong, was in charge of building it. His turtle ships were equipped with at least five different types of cannon. Their most distinguishable feature was a fully covered deck that was shielded to deflect cannon fire, and with iron spikes to discourage enemy men from attempting to board the ship. " ( 50000093 )
    • 조력은뭐여
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    • 조력은 뭐지용? 21 ...... ( 50000024 )
    • 슈파이어
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    • 인증키 신청합니당 ( 80000000 )
    • 이름 없는 항해자
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    • 선원 발렸을때 발동합니다 일정확률로 수탈 막아줌 ( 30002128 )
    • 이름 없는 항해자
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    • 상대갤 강화창고 옵션 추가 특수 선창 + 대 마스트 ( 50000071 )
    • 발트갤만세
    • :
    • 1강 선회업 2강 철갑탄 3강 연대강화 선회12 내파6 ( 50000132 )
    • 이름 없는 항해자
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    • 나폴리에 가보니 없더라구요..그래서 투자 50만 하니 중형 대포 보입니다.. ( 02202031 )
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