大航海時代 DB

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직업 부관 장비품


임시 대피소에도 큰 무리의 철새 데이터가 있습니다 바로가기

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      큰 무리의 철새
      기한 없음
      포르토벨로 모험가조합
      You're the one that investigated those birds for me, aren't you? You did well, so I want to ask for your help again. The request is from a merchant living in a colony on the north continent. He saw a uncountable flock of birds, he said. The last I saw him he was in the Tavern. Go and see if you can help.

                1. 포르토벨로 - Speak to Merchant
                2. 포르토벨로 - Speak to Raul

                3. 북미 대륙 동쪽 연안 - Use 관찰 and 생태 조사 near the Giant Dead Tree in the Northeast Corner

                무지개색 신조 10 12 1 케찰
                붉은 날갯짓 4 6 1 홍관조(북미)
                Currently here.

                Planning a Great Hunt
                A merchant from the north? You mean the one that came and was talking about how he had seen these huge flocks of birds near his town. The birds all flew together in one huge flock going north. He seemed to be thinking a lot about hunting and selling them in large quantities. What do you think Raul?

                Raul's Worry
                I don't think that large numbers gives anyone the right to start killing them. I know that they say the bird can be eaten, but to start killing it without learning more about its habits and life? I don't know about that. So, you need to really find out some information on that bird.

                Just to be clear
                The large flock of birds I'm looking into went north I'm told. I'll need to keep Raul's words in mind and investigate them thoroughly. We'll land on the eastern coast of the continent north of Portobelo. We should start our search by the giant withered tree north from the landing.

                  • 발견물
                  • 나그네비둘기 ★★★ (조류) 경험치:510 명성:228
                    북미 동해안에 사는 새. 몸 길이는 약 40cm로,날개와 꽁지깃이 길고 뾰족하다. 매우 큰 무리를 지어 이동하는 습성이 있으며,북미 북동쪽에서 여름을,멕시코 연안에서 겨울을 난다.

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                    큰 무리의 철새 99998024

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