大航海時代 DB

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      세상에서 가장 아름다운 책
      기한 없음
      스톡홀름 모험가조합
      One of the Scholars is looking into Celtic branches of Christianity. Might have been coincidence, but this seems perfect for you after your research on Saint Columba. What do ou think? Start off in London.

                    1) Scholar (London)
                    2) Scholar (London)
                    3) Law Student (Dublin)
                    4) Law Student (Dublin)
                    5) Law Student (Dublin)
                    ~) Discovery (Dublin Church)

                    On Saint Columba
                    Born of a royal Irish line, he chose a path of faith. After his monastic training, he went on to establish other monasteries, including ones at Kell and Derry. He was later exiled from Ireland and constructed a monastery on Iona, using that as a base to preach in Scotland.

                    The spread of Proseletyzing
                    This is mostly all we have on Saint Columba himself. He established many monasteries and had large numbers of disciplines. His teaching to the Celts extended not to those in Ireland and Scotland, but also through much of Western Europe. Come to think of it, wasn't there one in Dublin that was quite familiar with him?

                    The Monastery on Iona
                    They say that Iona, where Saint COlumba lived after being exiled from Ireland, was attacked many times by the Vikings. Each time, the monastery was destroyed and had to be reuilt. Vikings... It's quite possible they were after that book.

                    A copy
                    You see, the monastery at Iona had created a copy of the BIble. It held the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It used calfskin for its cover and was decorated in Celtic letters and patterns. There has never been another book like it.

                    The Copy Crosses the Sea
                    Because of the Vking attacks, the book was moved from Iona to Ireland. And I heard that it was completed at the monastery at Kells. Some say the book was created in praise of Saint Columba. I here that it is under careful guard here in this town at the Church.

                    Decorated Copy
                    The beautiful copy of the Bible made at the monastery built by Saint Columba can be found here in this town. I think we should see this book that the Vkings were so determined to lay their hands in.

                    사연을 가진 호수 5 7 5 네스 호
                    포교의 거점 4 6 1 아이오나 섬
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                      • 발견물
                      • 켈스의 서 ★★★★ (보물) 경험치:740 명성:308
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