大航海時代 DB

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      빙해가 가져다준 행운
      기한 없음
      스톡홀름 모험가조합
      We've received a request to find Vinland from that Scholar. Following the tales from the captain of a ship that got blown off course in a storm, they say that Ericson successfully sailed from World's End to Vinland. Still, the sea in that area is frozen. It will be perilous journey and a very difficult quest.

                  Required Adventure Fame : 32564

                  part 1.
                  바이킹 1 1
                  바이킹의 나라 1 3 1 로로의 투구
                  항해자 바이킹 3 5 1 붉은 에이리크 전설
                  「포도의 땅」으로 가는 길 9 11 1 아이슬란드
                  「땅의 끝」을 찾아 10 12 1 그린란드
                  전설의 땅을 찾는 실마리 7 9 1 그린란드인의 전설
                  빙해가 가져다준 행운 11 13 1 래브라도 반도
                  포도의 땅에서 본 미래 12 14 1 테라 노바

                  continued part 2.
                  악몽을 깨우는 꿈 12 14 11 란세오 메도스
                  돌아가지 않는 이유, 전해지지 않는 마음 8 10 8 백은 투구
                  바이킹의 생활 4 6 1 고대의 실뭉치
                  대장간에 남은 것 4 6 1 바이킹의 쇠못
                  융화되지 못한 자들의 시 10 12 10 백은 갑옷
                  바이킹의 전장 11 13 11 금은의 광궁
                  빈란드의 시 13 15 13 묠니르

                  1. 스톡홀름 주점 - speak with Seafarer 5x
                  2. 런던 서고 - speak with Scholar 4x
                  3. 테라 노바 앞바다 - use 관찰 , 인식 at 13305,2128

                  1. Like a Whole Different Place
                  According to the saga, he sails from the Land of Ice and discover the World's End, the Stoneslab Land, the Woods Land, and the Land of Vines. Yet things seem so different from what is described. It's like it is written about somewhere totally different. I can see why so many believe the stories to be mere fantasy.

                  2. Frozen, Greenless Land
                  Well, World's End was billed as an Island of Green, but in truth there really isn't a lot of green. It is a frigid, uninviting land, difficult to live in. Eric's son goes west and finds the Stonelab Land, but as the story goes, finds his way blocked by ice floes and icebergs. It was a place where even experienced sailors feared for their lives.

                  3. Without a Trace
                  So Erikson headed south from the Stonelab Land and found the Woods Land. Further south, he found a land he called Vinland, Land of Vines. But grapes only grow much further south. And there is no trace of a Viking settlement or signs of trade with locals. For all intents, their trail ends at World's End.

                  4. A Fable?
                  So the storyteller claims that the saga is just a fairytale for a downtrodden people wanting to escape into the past. I guess you could look at it that way. But he might look at it differently if you could actually prove the existence of Vinland. How ever difficult that might be.

                  5. Few Believable Facts
                  Like I was telling you, the saga differs in many ways from the truth. The only thing that can really be trusted is that going west from World's End takes you to the Stoneslab Land. South of there is the Woods Land, and further south is Vinland. What it said about weather or climate can't be trusted. If only there was someone who knows about the climate of the past.

                  6. Friends to Rely On
                  So you are the one searching for Vinland. I am a friend of the Folklorist who made that request and I have listened to his tales with great interest. It would be my pleasure to aid you if I can. Hmm... I see. You seek the trail of the Vikings after they left the World's End...

                  7. Then and Now
                  I believe that Greenland back then was most likely literally a land of greenery. Not the frigid wasteland it is now, but a land with bountiful growth. I base that on the changes in the climate and the fact that records say they traded in produce that can't be grown in England today.

                  8. A Different Vinland
                  I won't go so far as to say the entire island was green. But considering that he used the greenery to lure people to settle there, it had to be different then, a truly green land. So, it follows that the Stoneslab Land and the Woods Land would be different from how the saga describes them. So I'm sure that Vinland will be different, as well.

                  9. Good Luck
                  Come to think of it, Leif Ericson earned the name Leif the Lucky because he found a fruitful land, saved some shipwrecked people, and then returned successfully to his family. He was the first one to arrive at Vinland.
                  So the rest depends on you, your skill as an explorer and your intuition. I wish you luck.

                  10. Making Fortune your Friend
                  It is possible that the landmarks that they talk about in the saga look differently today. If so, then it is likely that the Stoneslab land has been covered in ice and is no longer accessible. But perhaps the Woods land can still be seen. So let's search southwest of Greenland to see if we can find it.

                  Discovery Reward :
                  1130 Adventure exp

                  Card Reward :
                  래브라도 반도 565 Adventure exp

                  Quest Reporting Reward :
                  의뢰 알선서, 350 Adventure exp , 145 Adventure fame

                    • 발견물
                    • 래브라도 반도 ★★★★★★ (지리) 경험치:1130 명성:433
                      신대륙 북부에 위치한 반도로,남쪽 땅조차 오랜 기간에 걸쳐 바다가 얼어붙을 만큼 기후가 혹독하다. 바이킹 전설에서「마르클란드(숲의 나라)」라 불리던 땅이라 여겨진다.

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                      2012-10-18 00:26
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