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      스톡홀름 모험가조합
      We received a message from the Saga storyteller who lives at the landing north of Bergen. Has a request for you she says. Come to think of it, the girl was muttering something about Vinland being the graveyard of the Vikings, or some such.

                  Required Adventure Fame : 46764

                  part 1.
                  바이킹 1 1
                  바이킹의 나라 1 3 1 로로의 투구
                  항해자 바이킹 3 5 1 붉은 에이리크 전설
                  「포도의 땅」으로 가는 길 9 11 1 아이슬란드
                  「땅의 끝」을 찾아 10 12 1 그린란드
                  전설의 땅을 찾는 실마리 7 9 1 그린란드인의 전설
                  빙해가 가져다준 행운 11 13 1 래브라도 반도
                  포도의 땅에서 본 미래 12 14 1 테라 노바

                  continued part 2.
                  악몽을 깨우는 꿈 12 14 11 란세오 메도스
                  돌아가지 않는 이유, 전해지지 않는 마음 8 10 8 백은 투구
                  바이킹의 생활 4 6 1 고대의 실뭉치
                  대장간에 남은 것 4 6 1 바이킹의 쇠못
                  융화되지 못한 자들의 시 10 12 10 백은 갑옷
                  바이킹의 전장 11 13 11 금은의 광궁
                  빈란드의 시 13 15 13 묠니르

                  1. 스칸디나비아 서쪽 해안 - talk to Olga 4x
                  2. 빈란드 곶 - talk to Snorri 5x
                  3. 빈란드 곶 란세오 메도스 유적 내부 - use 관찰 , 탐색

                  1. Sister and younger brother
                  Thank you again for your aid. I have been thinking about my brother and believe I may know why he sailed for Vinland. I may have mentioned this before, but I believe that Vinland was a place of exile for the Vikings and eventually, their graveyard. Perhaps my brother felt the need to prove me wrong.

                  2. The Psychology of the Vikings
                  Learning to deal with those who were not like you allows you to improve yourself. But the Vikings chose instead to kill those they didn't like, and if they couldn't do that, then run away somewhere else. Certainly, that was not limited only to the Vikings, but I have always hated that I was of that blood.

                  3. Of The Blood
                  Yes, though I have shut myself up here and fled from the world, I know that I am a descendant of fiends. I hated that. I felt that as long as my brother was with me, I didn't need anything else of the world. I could grow old and die here. I never really thought of what my brother might want.

                  4. Separated
                  Please tell Snorri the part of the Saga's I told you the other day. And would you add the following? "Find what you need and return with pride. But don't come back until you have something for me!"

                  5. Understanding
                  So that helm belonged to Thorfinn? Actually, I found a stone slab with Old Nordic engraved on it. "My body must go, but my eyes will always look over this view". He wore his armor when he left, but left the helm here. That then is the meaning of those words.

                  6. In Search of Battle
                  You know, I've been thinking. About why the Vikings rowed and sailed their ships across the seas. I think they were looking for a new battlefield. Not the killing kind. The kind where you test yourself against new values, new technologies. That was the battle they sailed the seas east to west and west to east to find.

                  7. Compassion Recognized
                  Neither the spool or the iron took root in this land. I had thought that perhaps they weren't here long enough for it to catch on. But after being given silver pendants, the natives made a present of silver ore to the Vikings. Which means they must have been interested enough to learn about it.

                  8. The Slender Thread of Exchange
                  There's more. The slab I mentioned was wrapped in a hide that had the same design on it as the cords wrapping the grip of my bow. Meaning, the designs of the natives were passed down through my family.
                  If you are willing, I would ask you to accept my bow.

                  9. With Pride
                  The bow was my fathers. It is very important to me, but if I were to hurt anyone with it, the Viking name would be further tarnished. I will make my fight with a weapon that does not hurt anyone.
                  I must, if I am to return home to Olga with pride.

                  10. Viking Bow
                  It seems that both Olga and Snorri believe that interaction with other cultures is the key to a people's growth. As a descendant of the Vikings, Snorri has chosen his path and I shall treasure this gift from him. It may even be valuable as a further clue to understanding the Vikings.

                  Discovery Reward :
                  금은의 광궁 1210 Adventure exp

                  Card Reward :
                  금은의 광궁 605 Adventure exp

                  Quest Reporting Reward :
                  의뢰 알선서, 350 Adventure exp , 150 Adventure fame

                    • 발견물
                    • 금은의 광궁 ★★★★★★★ (역사유물) 경험치:1210 명성:463
                      금과 은으로 장식된 화려한 활. 보기엔 아름답지만 제법 무거워,다루려면 상당한 근력이 필요하다.
                      바이킹은 해전에서 활을 사용했으며,활의 명수가 있느냐 없느냐에 따라 전투의 승패가 결정되었다고 한다.

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                      바이킹의 전장 99997685

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