大航海時代 DB

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임시 대피소에도 신천지의 아름다운 모피 데이터가 있습니다 바로가기

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      신천지의 아름다운 모피
      기한 없음
      스톡홀름 모험가조합
      Do you remember that European Mink you discovered? The client was particularly happy with the quality of the fur that could be taken from it. But he's sent in another request. THis one has to do with the new continent to the west. For more details, go and talk to the Craftsman about it. He's in Oslo.

                  1. 오슬로 - Talk to Craftsman

                  2. 테라 노바 북쪽 해안 - Use 관찰 and 생태 조사 near the Lone Cedar in the west.


                  매혹의 모피 5 7 1 유럽밍크

                  A similar animal?
                  This might take you far away, but I'd like you to go to an island off the coast of the new continent to the far west. I heard that there is an animal that closely resembles the European Mink there. I figure that if the story is true, it's fur would be good, too.

                  Checking the Fur
                  Apparently the new world has an animal like the European Mink we discovered. We are to confirm it's existence and check the quality of its fur. We will head west and land on the island in the bay north of Nassau, then investigate the area to the west near the Lone Cedar.

                    • 발견물
                    • 미국밍크 ★★★★ (소형생물) 경험치:630 명성:261
                      북미의 강과 호수 주변에 서식하는 동물. 짙은 갈색의 훌륭한 털을 가졌다. 유럽밍크보다 몸집이 훨씬 크다.

                      댓글 안보기

                      2020-03-12 20:09
                      이만희 살가죽

                      신천지의 아름다운 모피 99997684

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