大航海時代 DB

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      북쪽 펭귄
      기한 없음
      런던 모험가조합
      Penguins are animals that live in the southern hemisphere, right? I've seen them before and they're cute things. In this quest you are about to help a biologist investigate whether there are penguins in the north. I think it's some research on ecological differences due to climate. Shall we try to gather information at the tavern in Portobelo?

                        1. 포르토벨로 - Talk to Raul
                        2. 포르토벨로 - Talk to Seafarer
                        3. 포르토벨로 - Talk to Raul (2x)

                        4. 테라 노바 북쪽 해안 - Use 관찰 and 생태 조사 in the northeast, by the water.

                        세바르드 섬 주변의 생물 3 5 1 마카로니펭귄
                        늠름한 눈빛의 새 2 4 1 록호퍼펭귄
                        Currently here.


                        다 쓰여지지 않은 지도 가스페 반도

                        Be there penguins?
                        So you're checking whether there are penguins in the northern continent? Heh, sounds like a tough quest. Penguins are those waterfowl near the coast, right? Oh, there are ocean waters north of here, so they might be there. A seafarer might know something about them.

                        Information from a witness
                        Huh? Penguins? Now that you mention it, I think I might have seen one. I sailed along the coast of the continent recently. Near a far northern island I saw an animal waddling around. That might have been a penguin.

                        Bold or Reckless?
                        In other words, that animal didn't run away when it saw the sailors? And you feel that it's not careful enough about other wild animals? Hmm... Maybe it's so easy-going because it doesn't have any natural predators.

                        When we found it
                        If you find the penguin, will you please not injure it? Also, we have to warn people that if we begin hunting it then it will become extinct, so put that in the report. Humans can be so cruel, even to passive creatures.

                        Passive penguin
                        An animal that looks similar to a penguin has been sighted north of Portobelo. However, it is not afraid of human, perhaps because it has no natural enemies. Make a report on the risk of poaching. If we land on the north coast of Newfoundland we should be able to see the real thing.

                          • 발견물
                          • 큰바다오리 ★★★★ (해양생물) 경험치:630 명성:260
                            하늘을 날지 못하는 바닷새의 일종.
                            「펭귄」이라 불리게 된 최초의 생물이라 일컬어지지만,우리가 아는 펭귄과는 생태가 다르다고 한다.

                            댓글 안보기

                            2017-01-14 08:19
                            저항하지 않는 상대에겐 끝도없이 잔.인.해.지.지!

                            2017-01-16 01:08
                            ㄴ 쌌다

                            2018-07-10 16:36


                            북쪽 펭귄 99997610

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