大航海時代 DB

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임시 대피소에도 빠른 털 뭉치 데이터가 있습니다 바로가기

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      빠른 털 뭉치
      기한 없음
      리스본 모험가조합
      This is a rather intriguing request. The other day, a seafarer who was exploring the land to the north of the Caribbean Sea spotted, for lack of a better term, an unidentified...errr...high-speed...fuzzball. He has requested that a person well-versed in biology give this matter further investigation. The client conjectures that the so-called fuzzball is a critter of some kind. Hopefully you can find some clues at the town archives.


              도망치는게 빠른 토끼 1 3 1 뜀토끼

              1. 리스본 리스본 서고 - Browse 생물학

              2. 북미 대륙 동쪽 연안 - Use 관찰 and 생태 조사 near the Pointed Boulder

              Fuzzball Critter Tidbits
              It looks like your everyday rabbit. But the way it nimbly zigzagged along the ground was quite impressive. Above all, it had a really distinctive tail that almost looked as if somebody placed a white cotton ball on it.

              Rabbit Tail
              It seems that the fuzzball this client saw was actually a rabbit's tail. This rabbit likes to run in a zigzag pattern, so if you find some fresh tracks, you might be able to tack one down. Search for clues on land northeast of Nassau. Using observe skill is also convenient.

                • 발견물
                • 솜꼬리토끼 ★★ (소형생물) 경험치:250 명성:125
                  흰 꼬리가 솜처럼 생겼다고 해서 이 이름이 붙은 토끼. 발이 빨라 적의 습격을 받으면 지그재그로 달리는데,그 속도가 시속 30km에 달한다.

                  댓글 안보기

                  빠른 털 뭉치 99997519

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                  임시 대피소에서는
                  1. 데이터의 표시(다듬어지지 않은 디자인)와 링크 기능만 제공하고 있습니다.
                  2. 화면에 보이는 대부분의 링크들은 작동하지 않습니다.
                  3. 데이터는 8월 16일의 최신 버전에 대응하지 않고 있습니다.