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            프레스테 조안의 석주
            기한 없음
            베네치아 모험가조합
            You investigated the Pillars of Aksum earlier, right? Well, some are theorizing that it may have been the site of Prester John's kingdom, but there's no concrete proof. SO this time, you have to go take a closer look at the pillars themselves. The request comes from the priest in Naples, so ask him for the details.

                              Pre-Quest: 프레스테 조안의 나라 1 3 1 악숨 석주군

                              [FR] NOTC

                              1. 나폴리 나폴리 교회 - Talk to Priest
                              2. 마사와 - Talk to Resident by the Bank Clerk
                              3. 이디오피아 북부 - Use 관찰, 탐색 by the center of the ruins up ahead of the ruins interior

                              I have been told that there are many old obelisks standing in Aksum. This is proof that Prester John exists, since there must be a reason why these obelisks were put up. Perhaps some epitaph will have a record of this. I realize that it is far away, but can you go to Massawa to research this?

                              Christianity has been worshiped here for quite a long time, but I've never heard of anyone named Prester John. I heard that the obelisks outside the town were put up by old kings when they won wars. It has the engravings of a door, but you can't actually go inside. Well, I guess it won't hurt to take a look.

                              Is there any proof to link the obelisks to Prester John? The engraved doors might be there to hide the true entrance. I should examine the most prominent obelisk outside of Massawa. Perhaps I will be able to find the true entrance.

                              FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                                • 발견물
                                • 악숨의 돌기둥 ★★ (종교유물) 경험치:210 명성:90
                                  하나의 바위를 깎아 내어 만든 거대한 석주가 늘어서 있다. 서 있는 것으로는 최고 25m,쓰러져 있는 것으로는 33m나 되는 것이 있다. 밑부분에 석실이 있는 것으로 보아 무덤이었다고 여겨진다.

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