할아버지의 초상
기한 없음
제노바 모험가조합
We have a request from the young Lady in Florence. There was no problem with the tableware, but she also saw something else of interest. Apparently she can't get it out of her mind, and wants you to look into it for her. She will tell you more about it.
피렌체 - Talk to Noble Girl (Outside tavern)
피렌체 집무실 - Talk to Lorenzo de'Medici x2
피렌체 집무실 - Search behind the desktop.
1. A large Coin?
After dinner, i went on a tour of the Palace. And there i saw it... this large gold coin. And there was something engraven on it. And especially lately, i just can't seem to forget it. It's even appearing in my dreams.
2. You're looking for something that looks like large coin that has something engraven on it? It sounds like something that would be at the Museum in Paris. But you say it's here in the Palace? You're right! There is such an item. It certainly isn't a coin, but it does have value.
3. Father of My Homeland
We commissioned it from a gifted artisan. The profible of my grandfather, Cosimo, is engraven on it. And below it is his title. For all he did to establish not only the Medici family, but also Florence itself, he was called "Pater Patriaa," Father of a Nation. It's just a family memorial.
4. Praise for a Grandfather
The large coin our client saw was memorial of Cosimo, founder of the Medici family and one of those who created the foundation for Florence itself. It cannot be used as a coin, but it is undoubtedly of great worth. Let's search the room to be sure.
코시모의 메달 의뢰 알선서
- 발견물
- 코시모의 메달 ★★★★★★ (보물) 경험치:1030 명성:394
로렌조의 할아버지,코시모의 옆모습이 새겨진 금으로 된 메달. 코시모는 예술과 학술 분야에 아낌없는 지원을 펼쳐 메디치 가뿐만 아니라 피렌체의 발전에 크게 공헌했다. 그 공적을 치하하기 위한 것이리라.
1. 데이터의 표시(다듬어지지 않은 디자인)와 링크 기능만 제공하고 있습니다.
2. 화면에 보이는 대부분의 링크들은 작동하지 않습니다.
3. 데이터는 8월 16일의 최신 버전에 대응하지 않고 있습니다.